Write in F# language (F sharp) -> do not use Python, C++, C#, C, Java, etc… The following: In F# write an expression evaluation function that take as arguments a list of variable bindings and a string that is composed of letters and operators from the set [+ - * /$@]. It will scan the string from left to right, interpreting the string as an expression in postfix notation (except for the $ and @ special characters). * When it encounters a letter, it should retrieve the value associated with that letter and push it on an operand stack. * When it encounters an arithmetic operator, it should pop two operands off of the stack, do the computation indicated by the operation, and then push the result onto the stack. * When it encounters a $, it should should be interpreted as a swap operation, which pops two operands off of the stack, and pushes them back on in reverse order. * When the function encounters @, it should read the next character, which will be a letter, then pop the top value from the stack and set that value as the new binding for the letter. * Any spaces in the string should be skipped. * When the input string is exhausted, the function should return the top value on the stack. * You may assume that all input strings are syntactically legal according to this list of rules. For example, given a set of variables described by [("a",5);("b",2);("c",9)], here is how several possible input strings would be interpreted: "ab+" should return 7 (push 5, push 2, add) "cab+-" should return 2 (push 9, push 5, push 2, add, subtract) "cab+$-" should return -2 (push 9, push 5, push 2, add, swap the top two values (9 and 7), subtract) "ab+cb-*" should return 49 (push 5, push 2, add, push 9, push2, subtract, multiply) "ab+cb-* @d bd+" should return 51 (push 5, push 2, add, push 9, push2, subtract, multiply, bind 49 to d, push 2, push 49, add) See the bottom of this assignment for some additional test strings. Your function should be able to handle arbitrarily complex expressions, which implies that the stack should be represented by a list. In order to handle what seems to be a requirement to remember a "state", you can use the accumulator technique we have seen for writing tail-recursive functions. That means your evaluation function that looks like this let eval vars expr = ... should contain an inner recursive function with this signature: let rec innerEval vars stack expr = ... A new value for 'stack' will be used in a recursive call whenever the stack is pushed or popped. Similarly, an @ operation will require a new value of 'vars' to be created to hold the new binding and the 'expr' string will get shorter by 1 or 2 characters for each recursive call. You will need a helper function that takes a string and the list of tuples representing variable bindings as arguments. Each element of the list will be a tuple consisting of a string and an int. Find the first tuple for which the string matches the first argument and return the corresponding integer. Note that this approach will allow you to add a new binding by creating a new list with that binding on the front. Using the first binding found will then guarantee that the value from the most recent one is returned. This assignment has the following additional parameters: 1. Do not use "mutable" variables. Any use of the mutable keyword will result in a substantial deduction. 2. Functions should have no side effects. This includes: * no input (other than the function's arguments) - e.g., no user input or file input * no use of external state - e.g., global or static variables 3. Document each function in your code with an appropriate comment. * Use other comments as well, as your feel necessary. 4. The file you submit should have a comment block at the beginning that includes your name and a copy of the text from the syllabus about originality of code to indicate your assertion that you have written what you are submitting. You may use functions in the List package to implement your helper function if you decide that is the best way to do so. Note that calling your eval function with a single argument (the binding list) should result in it returning a closure that then expects just an expression string to evaluate. Make sure that your function does this correctly, since I plan to test it that way. In fact, I plan to use List.map to apply the closure to a list of expression strings, something like this: let testEval = eval [("a",5);("b",2);("c",9)] let exprList = [ ] let resultList = List.map testEval exprList
Write in F# language (F sharp) -> do not use Python, C++, C#, C, Java, etc…
The following:
In F# write an expression evaluation function that take as arguments a list of variable bindings and a string that is composed of letters and operators from the set [+ - * /$@]. It will scan the string from left to right, interpreting the string as an expression in postfix notation (except for the $ and @ special characters).
* When it encounters a letter, it should retrieve the value associated with that letter and push it on an operand stack.
* When it encounters an arithmetic operator, it should pop two operands off of the stack, do the computation indicated by the operation, and then push the result onto the stack.
* When it encounters a $, it should should be interpreted as a swap operation, which pops two operands off of the stack, and pushes them back on in reverse order.
* When the function encounters @, it should read the next character, which will be a letter, then pop the top value from the stack and set that value as the new binding for the letter.
* Any spaces in the string should be skipped.
* When the input string is exhausted, the function should return the top value on the stack.
* You may assume that all input strings are syntactically legal according to this list of rules.
For example, given a set of variables described by [("a",5);("b",2);("c",9)], here is how several possible input strings would be interpreted:
"ab+" should return 7 (push 5, push 2, add)
"cab+-" should return 2 (push 9, push 5, push 2, add, subtract)
"cab+$-" should return -2 (push 9, push 5, push 2, add, swap the top two values (9 and 7), subtract)
"ab+cb-*" should return 49 (push 5, push 2, add, push 9, push2, subtract, multiply)
"ab+cb-* @d bd+" should return 51
(push 5, push 2, add, push 9, push2, subtract, multiply, bind 49 to d, push 2, push 49, add)
See the bottom of this assignment for some additional test strings.
Your function should be able to handle arbitrarily complex expressions, which implies that the stack should be represented by a list. In order to handle what seems to be a requirement to remember a "state", you can use the accumulator technique we have seen for writing tail-recursive functions. That means your evaluation function that looks like this
let eval vars expr = ...
should contain an inner recursive function with this signature:
let rec innerEval vars stack expr = ...
A new value for 'stack' will be used in a recursive call whenever the stack is pushed or popped. Similarly, an @ operation will require a new value of 'vars' to be created to hold the new binding and the 'expr' string will get shorter by 1 or 2 characters for each recursive call.
You will need a helper function that takes a string and the list of tuples representing variable bindings as arguments. Each element of the list will be a tuple consisting of a string and an int. Find the first tuple for which the string matches the first argument and return the corresponding integer. Note that this approach will allow you to add a new binding by creating a new list with that binding on the front. Using the first binding found will then guarantee that the value from the most recent one is returned.
This assignment has the following additional parameters:
1. Do not use "mutable" variables. Any use of the mutable keyword will result in a substantial deduction.
2. Functions should have no side effects. This includes:
* no input (other than the function's arguments) - e.g., no user input or file input
* no use of external state - e.g., global or static variables
3. Document each function in your code with an appropriate comment.
* Use other comments as well, as your feel necessary.
4. The file you submit should have a comment block at the beginning that includes your name and a copy of the text from the syllabus about originality of code to indicate your assertion that you have written what you are submitting.
You may use functions in the List package to implement your helper function if you decide that is the best way to do so.
Note that calling your eval function with a single argument (the binding list) should result in it returning a closure that then expects just an expression string to evaluate. Make sure that your function does this correctly, since I plan to test it that way. In fact, I plan to use List.map to apply the closure to a list of expression strings, something like this:
let testEval = eval [("a",5);("b",2);("c",9)]
let exprList = [ <some list of test expressions> ]
let resultList = List.map testEval exprList

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Solved in 3 steps