Processing Requirements
Start from scratch.
Use the following template to start your project:
using namespace std;
// Global constants
const int ROWS = 3; // The number of rows in the array
const int COLS = 3; // The number of columns in the array
const int MIN = 1; // The value of the smallest number
const int MAX = 9; // The value of the largest number
// Function prototypes
bool isMagicSquare(int arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int arrayRow3[], int size);
bool checkRange(int arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int arrayRow3[], int size, int min, int max);
bool checkUnique(int arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int arrayRow3[], int size);
bool checkRowSum(int arrayrow1[], int arrayrow2[], int arrayrow3[], int size);
bool checkColSum(int arrayrow1[], int arrayrow2[], int arrayrow3[], int size);
bool checkDiagSum(int arrayrow1[], int arrayrow2[], int arrayrow3[], int size);
void fillArray(int arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int arrayRow3[], int size);
void showArray(int arrayrow1[], int arrayrow2[], int arrayrow3[], int size);
int main()
/* Define a Lo Shu Magic Square using 3 parallel arrays corresponding to each row of the grid */
int magicArrayRow1[COLS], magicArrayRow2[COLS], magicArrayRow3[COLS];
// Your code goes here
return 0;
// Function definitions go here
Transcribed Image Text: bool sheckpansetint arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int arrayRow3[], int size, int min, int
bool sheckvoiAvetint arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int arrayRow3[], int size);
bool checkBowSuntint arrayrow1[], int arayrow2[], int arrayrow3[], int size);
bool sheckGoSuntint arrayrow1[], int arrayrow2[], int arrayrow3[], int size);
bool checkDiasSURtint arrayrowi[], int arrayrow2[], int arrayrow3[], int size);
void APOReint arrayRowl[], int arrayRow2[], int arrayRow3[], int size);
void showAPOANEint arrayrow1[), int arrayrow2[], int arrayrow3[], int size);
int maine
/* Define a Lo Shu Magic Square using 3 parallel arrays corresponding
to each row of the grid */
int magicArrayRowl (COLS], magicArrayRow2 [COLS), magicArrayRow3 [COLSL:
// Your code goes here
// Function definitions go here
Do not repeat any source code segment you submitted in previous semesters.
Create and use at least the following functions:
void fiUArtayfint arrayrow1[], int arrayrow2[), int arrayrow3[], int
size) - Accepts 3 int arrays and a size as arguments, and fills the arrays out
with values entered by the user. First argument corresponds to the first row
of the magic square, second argument to the second row and the third
argument to the third row of the magic square
void showArravtint arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int arrayRow3[],
int size) - accepts 3 int arrays and a size as arguments and displays their
135 farrayRow1)
679 farrayRow2)
8 24 tarrayRow3)
bool isMagicSaMAretint arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int
arrayRow3[], int size) - accepts 3 int arrays and a size as arguments and
returns true if all the requirements of a magic square are met. Otherwise, it
returns false. First argument corresponds to the first row of the magic
square, second argument to the second row and the third argument to the
third row of the magic square.
bool checkRange(int arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int arrayRow3[],
int size, int min, int max) - accepts 3 int arrays, a size and a min and max
value as arguments and returns true if the values in the arrays are within the
specified range min and max. Otherwise, it returns false. First argument
corresponds to the first row of the magic square, second argument to the
second row and the third argument to the third row of the magic square.
bool checkUoique(int arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int
arrayRow3[], int size) - accepts 3 int arrays and a size as arguments, and
returns true if the values
the arrays are unique (only one occurrence of
numbers between 1-9). Otherwise, it returns false. First argument
corresponds to the first row of the magic square, second argument to the
second row and the third argument to the third row of the magic square.
bool checkRowSum(int arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int
arrayRow3[], int size) - accepts 3 int arrays and a size as arguments and
returns true if the sum of the values in each of the rows are equal.
Otherwise, it returns false. First argument corresponds to the first row of the
magic square, second argument to the second row and the third argument to
the third row of the magic square.
bool checkColsHm(int arrayRow1[], int arrayRow2[], int
arrayRow3[], int size) - accepts 3 int arrays and a size as arguments and
returns true if the sum of the values in each of the columns are equal.
Otherwise, it returns false. First argument corresponds to the first row of the
magic square, second argument to the second row and the third argument to
the third row of the magic square.
bool checkDiagSum(int arrayrow1[], int arrayrow2[], int
arrayrow3[], int size) - accepts 3 int arrays and a size as arguments and
returns true if the sum of the values in each of the array's diagonals are
equal. Otherwise, it returns false. First argument corresponds to the first row
of the magic square, second argument to the second row and the third
argument to the third row of the magic square.
[NOTE: You can create and use more functions as needed.]