Write a program that uses a structure to store the following data about a customer account:
C++ Visual Studio 2019
Complete #7 Customer Accounts and #8 Search Function for Customer Accounts Program. Create the array with only 2 elements.
7.Customer Accounts
Write a program that uses a structure to store the following data about a customer
City, State, and ZIP
Telephone Number
Account Balance
Date of Last Payment
The program should use an array of at least 10 structures. It should let the user enter data into the array, change the contents of any element, and display all the data stored in the array. The program should have a menu-driven user interface.
Input Validation: When the data for a new account is entered, be sure the user enters data for all the fields. No negative account balances should be entered.
8. Search Function for Customer Accounts Program
Add a function to Programming Challenge 7 (Customer Accounts) that allows the user to search the structure array for a particular customer's account. It should accept part of the customer's name as an argument then search for an account with a name that matches it. All accounts that match should be displayed. If no account matches, a message saying should be displayed.

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