"Who would you choose?" Can you proofread it
This is a paper I have to turn in on "Who would you choose?" Can you proofread it for me?
Utilitarianism is a theory that the aim of action should be the largest possible balance of pleasure over pain or the greatest amount of happiness of the greatest number (Utilitarianism). When faced with the situation of saving two dozen lives over thirty lives, the ethics in utilitarianism would be beneficial in making my decision. I would choose the Telik 12 out of the two spaceships in the video. I agree with John M. Taurek and flipping a coin (TEDEducation). Everyone deserves an equal opportunity no matter the amount of money they have.
The examples in the video related the decision to the choices we face in the real world. For example…twenty rich college students may not be as grateful because they have had everything handed to them. College students may not give back to the world as much as the workers. Furthermore, younger people may not know how to be as productive in life because of lack of experience. The video portrays an image of “rich kids” that have been born into a “rich life,” giving the impression that they may only care about what is self-satisfactory for themselves.
Another concept to consider in this scenario is that age does not have to weigh so heavily as a deciding factor. Although, it can be important when considering the benefits of the mental maturity in the workers. The workers have more worldly experience and understand that certain aspects of life must be prioritized higher. The thirty workers may intentionally reproduce and contribute to the population. The workers may be more grateful and give back to the land and to the people. Even though Derek Parfit believes that the less fortunate should be saved, I do not think that his theories alone are enough to make a sensible decision (TEDEducation).
Life is about making choices and the ones that we make we must live with for the rest of our lives. It would not be right to make this decision based on the wealth of these people. It also would not be right to decide based on the number of people. Analyzing what these people might or might not do if they are saved is not the right thing to do either. Sometimes you do have to flip a coin, and someone is going to lose. If this scenario were to ever become real, God already has his plan and knows which ship is going down.
Everyone deserves an equal opportunity no matter the amount of money they have. Nobody wants to be faced with these kinds of decisions. If I am faced with a decision like this, then I will use utilitarianism as a guideline. It is a practice based on ethics and it has been a standard for humankind for an exceedingly long time. Making a decision that has a negative impact on future generations can be harmful to a person and a civilization. We are all equal and deserve equal chances at proving ourselves worthy. The beat goes on.
Works Cited
TEDEducation, director. You Can Only Save One-Who Do You Choose? YouTube, YouTube, 21 Dec. 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1x7FqXRy9c. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
“Utilitarianism.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/utilitarianism. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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