When you use @RISK’s correlation feature to generate correlated random numbers, how can you verify that they are correlated? Try the following. Use the RISKCORRMAT function to generate two normally distributed random numbers, each with mean 100 and standard deviation 10, and with correlation 0.7. To run a simulation, you need an output variable, so sumthese two numbers and designate the sum as an output variable. Run the simulation with 1000 iterations and then click the Browse Results button to view the histogram of the output or either of the inputs. Then click the Scatterplot button below the histogram and choose another variable (an input or the output) for the scatterplot. Using this method, are the two inputs correlated as expected? Are the two inputs correlated withthe output? If so, how?
When you use @RISK’s
click the Scatterplot button below the histogram and choose another variable (an input or the output) for the scatterplot. Using this method, are the two inputs correlated as expected? Are the two inputs correlated withthe output? If so, how?

Step by step
Solved in 4 steps with 6 images