When the site is chosen, it is proposed that three-blade type wind turbines are installed, which can generate for a wind velocity range from 3.00 m s1 to 12.0 m s1. The turbine blades are 75.0 m in length, the power coefficient is 0.540, and the average air density is 1.21 kg m3. Site WT1 can accommodate three wind turbines, whereas Site WT2 can accommodate six wind turbines. It is estimated that the turbines can operate for 82.0% of the time at Site WT1, and 85.0% of the time at Site WT2. Based upon your answers to Part (a) of this question, estimate the maximum energy that could be extracted annually from the wind at Sites WT1 and WT2. Assume one year is approximately 3.1536 x 107 s S.
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements
Measurement is a term that refers to analyzing a manufactured component regarding the degree of accuracy for dimensions, tolerances, geometric profile, roundness, flatness, smoothness, etc. Measurement always involves comparing the manufactured component or the prototype with a standard specimen whose dimensions and other parameters are assumed to be perfect and do not undergo changes with respect to time.Precisely in mechanical engineering the branch that deals with the application of scientific principles for measurements is known as metrology. The domain of metrology in general deals with various measurements like mechanical, chemical, thermodynamic, physical, and biological measurements. In mechanical engineering, the measurements are limited to mechanical specific such as length, mass, surface profile, flatness, roundness, viscosity, heat transfer, etc.
Basic principles of engineering metrology
Metrology is described as the science of measurement, precision, and accuracy. In other words, it is a method of measurement based on units and predefined standards.
Hello, please solve part b accurate and exact please.

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the question asked for energy not the power so the answers should be in J which will be obtained by multiplying annual power by No of seconds in a year