What is meant in Browne's poem by "the secret to Nicodemus"? Read the poem on page 262-263 by Mahogany L. Browne that compares John Wayne Niles to Ermias Joseph Asghedom (AKA Nipsey Hussle). If you want to learn more about Nipsey Hussle, you can do so here (https://www.forbes.com/sites/julianmitchell/2018/03/01/the-art-of-being-self-made-a-conversation-with-nipsey-hussle/?sh=7ddcd6c6a07f). What do you think it is about these two men (“who share the same DNA”) that the poet admires?
What is meant in Browne's poem by "the secret to Nicodemus"? Read the poem on page 262-263 by Mahogany L. Browne that compares John Wayne Niles to Ermias Joseph Asghedom (AKA Nipsey Hussle). If you want to learn more about Nipsey Hussle, you can do so here (https://www.forbes.com/sites/julianmitchell/2018/03/01/the-art-of-being-self-made-a-conversation-with-nipsey-hussle/?sh=7ddcd6c6a07f). What do you think it is about these two men (“who share the same DNA”) that the poet admires?
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What is meant in Browne's poem by "the secret to Nicodemus"? Read the poem on page 262-263 by Mahogany L. Browne that compares John Wayne Niles to Ermias Joseph Asghedom (AKA Nipsey Hussle). If you want to learn more about Nipsey Hussle, you can do so here (https://www.forbes.com/sites/julianmitchell/2018/03/01/the-art-of-being-self-made-a-conversation-with-nipsey-hussle/?sh=7ddcd6c6a07f). What do you think it is about these two men (“who share the same DNA”) that the poet admires?