What's the answer to #1 on p. 883 in thinking about the text
Related questions
What's the answer to #1 on p. 883 in thinking about the text
"along a way of life" as a mere "carrying across, from location to location, of
people and goods in such a way as to leave their basic natures unaffected."
In transport, the traveler doesn't actually move in any meaningful way.
"Rather, he is moved, becoming a passenger in his own body."
um in ou
Wayfaring is messier and less efficient than transport, which is why 10
e a mobile phone with
it has become a target for automation. "If you have al
utive in Google's
Google Maps," says Michael Jones, an executive in Google's mapping divi-
and have
sion, "you can go anywhere on the planet and have confidence that we can
and safely and easily."
t to where you want to go safely that cert
give you directions to
to get to wie
result, he declares, "No human ever has to feel lost again." That certainly
sounds appealing, a
, as if some basic problem in our existence had been solved
forever. And it fits the Silicon Valley obsession with using software to rid
people's lives of "friction." But the more you think about it, the more you
that to never confront the possibility of getting lost is to live in a
not know-
state of perpetual dislocation. If you never have to worry about not
ing where you are, then you never have to know where you are. It is also to
www.you are.
live in a state of dependency, a ward of your phone and its apps.
Problems produce friction in our lives, but friction can act as a catalyst,
pushing us to a fuller awareness and deeper understanding of our situation.
"When we circumvent, by whatever means, the demand a place makes of us
to find our way through it," the writer Ari Schulman observed in his 2011
New Atlantis essay "GPS and the End of the Road," we end up foreclosing "the
best entry we have into inhabiting that place-and, by extension, to really
being anywhere at all."
We may foreclose other things as well. Neuroscientists have made a
series of breakthroughs i understanding how the brain perceives and re-
members space and
s space and location, and the discoveries underscore the elemental
role that navigation plays in the workings of mind and memory..
In a 2013 article in Nature Neuroscience, Edvard Moser and his colleague
György Buzsáki provided extensive experimental evidence that "the neu-
ronal mechanisms that evolved to define the spatial relationship among
landmarks can also serve to embody associations among objects, events and
other types of factual information." Out of such associations we weave the
memories of our lives. It may well be that the brain's navigational sense-its
7. Tim Ingold, Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description (London: Routledge,
2011), 149-152. The emphasis is Ingold's.
8. Quoted in James Fallows, "The Places You'll Go," Atlantic, January/February 2013.
9. Ari N. Schulman, "GPS and the End of the Road," New Atlantis, Spring 2011.
A smartphone displays an indoor map of the Florida Mall.
Even if we routinely use GPS devices when driving and walking out 15
doors, it's been suggested, we'll still have to rely on our own minds to get
around when we're walking through buildings and other places that GPS
signals can't reach. The mental exercise of indoor navigation, the theory
goes, may help protect the functioning of our hippocampus and related neu-
ral circuits. While that argument may have been reassuring a few years ago,
it is less so today. Hungry for more data on people's whereabouts and eager
for more opportunities to distribute advertising and other messages keyed
to their location, software and smartphone companies are rushing to ex-
tend the scope of their
e of their comp
malls, and office build:puter-mapping tools to indoor areas like airports,
Indoor mapping promises to ratchet up our dependence on computer
navigation and
ation and further limit our opportunities for getting around on our
own. Should personal head-up displays, such as Google Glass, come into
wide use, we would always have easy and immediate access to turn-by-turn
instructions. We'd receive, as Google's Michael Jones puts it, "a continuous
stream of guidance," directing us everywhere we want to go." Google and
Mercedes-Benz are already collaborating on an app that will link a Glass
headset to a driver's in-dash GPS unit, enabling what the carmaker calls
"door-to-door navigation." With the GPS goddess whispering in our ear, or
16. Quoted in Fallows, "Places You'll Go."
17. Damon Lavrinc, "Mercedes Is Testing Google Glass Integration, and It Actually Works,"
Wired, August 15, 2013, wired.com/autopia/2013/08/google-glass-mercedes-benz/.
Carr/World and Screen
ancient, intricate way of plotting and recording movement through space-
is the evolutionary font of all memory.20
What's more than a little scary is what happens when that font goes
dry. Our spatial sense tends to deteriorate as we get older, and in the
worst cases we lose it altogether." One of the earliest and most debilitat-
ing symptoms of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, is hippocam-
pal and entorhinal degeneration and the consequent loss of locational
memory, Victims begin to forget where they are. Véronique Bohbot, a
research psychiatrist and
t and memory
expert at McGill University in Mon-
treal, has conducted studies demonstrating that the way people exercise
I skills influences the functioning and even the size
size of
the hippocampus-and may provide protection a
against the c
the deterioration
of mace
of memory. The harder people work at
wors at buniding cognitive
maps of space,
the stronger their underlying memory circuits seem to become. They
tually grow gray matter in the hippocampus-a a phenomenon docu-
mented in London cab drivers-in a way that's analogous to the
of muscle mass through physical e
to the building
exertion. But when they
simply: follow
turn-by-turn instructions in "a robotic fashion," Bohbot warns, they don't
"stimulate t
ir hippocampus" and as a result may leave themselves more
susceptible to memory loss." Bohbot worries that, should the hippocam-
pus begin to atrophy from a lack of use in navigation, the result could be a
general loss of memory and a growing risk of dementia. "Society is geared
in many ways toward shrinking the hippocampus," she told an interviewer.
"In the next twenty years, I think we're going to see dementia occurring
earlier and earlier."15
10. György Buzsáki and Edvard I. Moser, "Memory, Navigation and Theta Rhythm in the
Hippocampal-Entorhinal System," Nature Neuroscience 16, no. 2 (2013): 130-138. See also
Neil Burgess et al., "Memory for Events and Their Spatial Context: Models and Experiments,"
in Alan Baddeley et al., eds., Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2002), 249-268.
11. See, for example, Jan M. Wiener et al., "Maladaptive Bias for Extrahippocampal Navigation
Strategies in Aging Humans," Journal of Neuroscience 33, no. 14 (2013): 6012-6017.
12. See, for example, A. T. Du et al., "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Entorhinal Cortex and
Hippocampus in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease," Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 71 (2001): 441-447.
13. Kyoko Konishi and Véronique D. Bohbot, "Spatial Navigational Strategies Correlate with
Gray Matter in the Hippocampus of Healthy Older Adults Tested in a Virtual Maze," Frontiers
in Aging Neuroscience 5 (2013): 1-8.
14. Email from Véronique Bohbot to author, June 4, 2010.
15. Quoted in Alex Hutchinson, "Global Impositioning Systems," Walrus, November 2009.
Carr / World and Screen
beaming her signals onto our retinas, we'll rarely, if ever, have to exercise
our mental mapping skills.
Bohbot and other researchers emphasize that more research needs to
be done before we'll know for sure whether long-term use of GPS devices
weakens memory and raises the risk of senility. But given all we've learned
about the close links between navigation, the hippocampus, and memory,
it is entirely plausible that avoiding the work of figuring out where we are
and where we're going may have unforeseen and less-than-salubrious con-
sequences. Because memory is what enables us not only to recall past events
but to respond intelligently to present events and plan for future ones, any
degradation in its functioning would tend to diminish the quality of our
Through hundreds of thousands of years, evolution has fit our bodies
and minds to the environment. We've been formed by being, to appropriate
a couple of lines from the poet Wordsworth,
Rolled round in earth's diurnal course,
With rocks, and stones, and trees.
The automation of wayfinding distances us from the environment that
shaped us. It encourages us to observe and manipulate symbols on screens
rather than attend to real things in real places. The labors our obliging digi-
tal deities would have us see as mere drudgery may turn out to be vital to
our fitness, happiness, and well-being. So Who cares? probably isn't the right
question. What we should be asking ourselves is, How far from the world do
we want to retreat?
Thinking about the Text
1. Nicholas Carr argues that satellite navigation systems are "not designed to
deepen our involvement with our surroundings" (2). What does he mean by
that? SUMMARIZE his argument. Is it persuasive? Why or why not?
2. Although it is still a matter of speculation, how might the long-term use of a
GPS device contribute to the development of dementia in later life, according
to Carr? What does he say happens in the brain? EVALUATE the EVIDENCE
that Carr presents for what he says. Does it seem reliable? Explain.
Transcribed Image Text:[880]
"along a way of life" as a mere "carrying across, from location to location, of
people and goods in such a way as to leave their basic natures unaffected."
In transport, the traveler doesn't actually move in any meaningful way.
"Rather, he is moved, becoming a passenger in his own body."
um in ou
Wayfaring is messier and less efficient than transport, which is why 10
e a mobile phone with
it has become a target for automation. "If you have al
utive in Google's
Google Maps," says Michael Jones, an executive in Google's mapping divi-
and have
sion, "you can go anywhere on the planet and have confidence that we can
and safely and easily."
t to where you want to go safely that cert
give you directions to
to get to wie
result, he declares, "No human ever has to feel lost again." That certainly
sounds appealing, a
, as if some basic problem in our existence had been solved
forever. And it fits the Silicon Valley obsession with using software to rid
people's lives of "friction." But the more you think about it, the more you
that to never confront the possibility of getting lost is to live in a
not know-
state of perpetual dislocation. If you never have to worry about not
ing where you are, then you never have to know where you are. It is also to
www.you are.
live in a state of dependency, a ward of your phone and its apps.
Problems produce friction in our lives, but friction can act as a catalyst,
pushing us to a fuller awareness and deeper understanding of our situation.
"When we circumvent, by whatever means, the demand a place makes of us
to find our way through it," the writer Ari Schulman observed in his 2011
New Atlantis essay "GPS and the End of the Road," we end up foreclosing "the
best entry we have into inhabiting that place-and, by extension, to really
being anywhere at all."
We may foreclose other things as well. Neuroscientists have made a
series of breakthroughs i understanding how the brain perceives and re-
members space and
s space and location, and the discoveries underscore the elemental
role that navigation plays in the workings of mind and memory..
In a 2013 article in Nature Neuroscience, Edvard Moser and his colleague
György Buzsáki provided extensive experimental evidence that "the neu-
ronal mechanisms that evolved to define the spatial relationship among
landmarks can also serve to embody associations among objects, events and
other types of factual information." Out of such associations we weave the
memories of our lives. It may well be that the brain's navigational sense-its
7. Tim Ingold, Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description (London: Routledge,
2011), 149-152. The emphasis is Ingold's.
8. Quoted in James Fallows, "The Places You'll Go," Atlantic, January/February 2013.
9. Ari N. Schulman, "GPS and the End of the Road," New Atlantis, Spring 2011.
A smartphone displays an indoor map of the Florida Mall.
Even if we routinely use GPS devices when driving and walking out 15
doors, it's been suggested, we'll still have to rely on our own minds to get
around when we're walking through buildings and other places that GPS
signals can't reach. The mental exercise of indoor navigation, the theory
goes, may help protect the functioning of our hippocampus and related neu-
ral circuits. While that argument may have been reassuring a few years ago,
it is less so today. Hungry for more data on people's whereabouts and eager
for more opportunities to distribute advertising and other messages keyed
to their location, software and smartphone companies are rushing to ex-
tend the scope of their
e of their comp
malls, and office build:puter-mapping tools to indoor areas like airports,
Indoor mapping promises to ratchet up our dependence on computer
navigation and
ation and further limit our opportunities for getting around on our
own. Should personal head-up displays, such as Google Glass, come into
wide use, we would always have easy and immediate access to turn-by-turn
instructions. We'd receive, as Google's Michael Jones puts it, "a continuous
stream of guidance," directing us everywhere we want to go." Google and
Mercedes-Benz are already collaborating on an app that will link a Glass
headset to a driver's in-dash GPS unit, enabling what the carmaker calls
"door-to-door navigation." With the GPS goddess whispering in our ear, or
16. Quoted in Fallows, "Places You'll Go."
17. Damon Lavrinc, "Mercedes Is Testing Google Glass Integration, and It Actually Works,"
Wired, August 15, 2013, wired.com/autopia/2013/08/google-glass-mercedes-benz/.
Carr/World and Screen
ancient, intricate way of plotting and recording movement through space-
is the evolutionary font of all memory.20
What's more than a little scary is what happens when that font goes
dry. Our spatial sense tends to deteriorate as we get older, and in the
worst cases we lose it altogether." One of the earliest and most debilitat-
ing symptoms of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, is hippocam-
pal and entorhinal degeneration and the consequent loss of locational
memory, Victims begin to forget where they are. Véronique Bohbot, a
research psychiatrist and
t and memory
expert at McGill University in Mon-
treal, has conducted studies demonstrating that the way people exercise
I skills influences the functioning and even the size
size of
the hippocampus-and may provide protection a
against the c
the deterioration
of mace
of memory. The harder people work at
wors at buniding cognitive
maps of space,
the stronger their underlying memory circuits seem to become. They
tually grow gray matter in the hippocampus-a a phenomenon docu-
mented in London cab drivers-in a way that's analogous to the
of muscle mass through physical e
to the building
exertion. But when they
simply: follow
turn-by-turn instructions in "a robotic fashion," Bohbot warns, they don't
"stimulate t
ir hippocampus" and as a result may leave themselves more
susceptible to memory loss." Bohbot worries that, should the hippocam-
pus begin to atrophy from a lack of use in navigation, the result could be a
general loss of memory and a growing risk of dementia. "Society is geared
in many ways toward shrinking the hippocampus," she told an interviewer.
"In the next twenty years, I think we're going to see dementia occurring
earlier and earlier."15
10. György Buzsáki and Edvard I. Moser, "Memory, Navigation and Theta Rhythm in the
Hippocampal-Entorhinal System," Nature Neuroscience 16, no. 2 (2013): 130-138. See also
Neil Burgess et al., "Memory for Events and Their Spatial Context: Models and Experiments,"
in Alan Baddeley et al., eds., Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2002), 249-268.
11. See, for example, Jan M. Wiener et al., "Maladaptive Bias for Extrahippocampal Navigation
Strategies in Aging Humans," Journal of Neuroscience 33, no. 14 (2013): 6012-6017.
12. See, for example, A. T. Du et al., "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Entorhinal Cortex and
Hippocampus in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease," Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 71 (2001): 441-447.
13. Kyoko Konishi and Véronique D. Bohbot, "Spatial Navigational Strategies Correlate with
Gray Matter in the Hippocampus of Healthy Older Adults Tested in a Virtual Maze," Frontiers
in Aging Neuroscience 5 (2013): 1-8.
14. Email from Véronique Bohbot to author, June 4, 2010.
15. Quoted in Alex Hutchinson, "Global Impositioning Systems," Walrus, November 2009.
Carr / World and Screen
beaming her signals onto our retinas, we'll rarely, if ever, have to exercise
our mental mapping skills.
Bohbot and other researchers emphasize that more research needs to
be done before we'll know for sure whether long-term use of GPS devices
weakens memory and raises the risk of senility. But given all we've learned
about the close links between navigation, the hippocampus, and memory,
it is entirely plausible that avoiding the work of figuring out where we are
and where we're going may have unforeseen and less-than-salubrious con-
sequences. Because memory is what enables us not only to recall past events
but to respond intelligently to present events and plan for future ones, any
degradation in its functioning would tend to diminish the quality of our
Through hundreds of thousands of years, evolution has fit our bodies
and minds to the environment. We've been formed by being, to appropriate
a couple of lines from the poet Wordsworth,
Rolled round in earth's diurnal course,
With rocks, and stones, and trees.
The automation of wayfinding distances us from the environment that
shaped us. It encourages us to observe and manipulate symbols on screens
rather than attend to real things in real places. The labors our obliging digi-
tal deities would have us see as mere drudgery may turn out to be vital to
our fitness, happiness, and well-being. So Who cares? probably isn't the right
question. What we should be asking ourselves is, How far from the world do
we want to retreat?
Thinking about the Text
1. Nicholas Carr argues that satellite navigation systems are "not designed to
deepen our involvement with our surroundings" (2). What does he mean by
that? SUMMARIZE his argument. Is it persuasive? Why or why not?
2. Although it is still a matter of speculation, how might the long-term use of a
GPS device contribute to the development of dementia in later life, according
to Carr? What does he say happens in the brain? EVALUATE the EVIDENCE
that Carr presents for what he says. Does it seem reliable? Explain.
cites an
mix of
and popular
sources. For
some tips
on finding
sources, see
Ch. 21.
4. A good narrative includes DESCRIPTIVE details that make the story come
alive. What part of Canedy's narrative touched you the deepest? Why? De-
scribe your reaction.
5. At some time in our lives, we've all had a run-in with some form of authority.
Think of a frightening or otherwise memorable encounter with an authority
figure. In what ways did your skin color, gender, stature, dress, or other factors
in how you look or present yourself affect that encounter? Did any character-
istics work in your favor or against you-and if so, how? Write a brief NAR-
RATIVE of the encounter as you remember it, reflecting in particular on how
your physical presence affects your life.
tional sense is actually sharpest when they're facing north-the same way
maps point.³ Paper maps don't just shepherd us from one place to the next;
they teach us how to think about space.
The maps generated by satellite-linked computers are different. They
usually provide meager spatial information and few navigational cues. In-
stead of requiring us to puzzle out where we are in an area, a GPS device
simply sets us at the center of the map and then makes the world circulate
around us. In this miniature parody of the pre-Copernican universe, we can
get around without needing to know where we are, where we've been, or
which direction we're heading. We just need an address or an intersection,
the name of a building or a shop, to cue the device's calculations. Julia Fran-
kenstein, a German cognitive psychologist who studies the mind's naviga-
tional sense, believes it's likely that "the more we rely on t
yon technology to find
our way, the less we build up our cognitive maps." Because computer navi-
gation systems provide only "bare-bones route information, without the
spatial context of the whole area," she explains, our brains don't receive the
raw material required to form rich memories of places. "Developing a a cogni-
tive map from this reduced information is a bit like trying to get an entire
musical piece from a few notes."
Other scientists agree. A British study found that drivers using paper
maps developed stronger memories of routes and landmarks than did those
relying on turn-by-turn instructions from satellite systems. After complet-
ing a trip, the map users were able to sketch more precise and detailed dia-
grams of their routes. The findings, reported the researchers, "provide strong
evidence that the use of a vehicle navigation system will impact negatively
on the formation of drivers' cognitive maps." A study of drivers conducted
at the University of Utah found evidence of "inattentional blindness" in GPS
users, which impaired their "wayfinding performance" and their ability to
form visual memories of their surroundings....
3. Julia Frankenstein et al., "Is the Map in Our Head Oriented North?," Psychological Science 23,
no. 2 (2012): 120-125.
4. Julia Frankenstein, "Is GPS All in Our Heads?," New York Times, February 2, 2012.
5. Gary E. Burnett and Kate Lee, "The Effect of Vehicle Navigation Systems on the Formation.
of Cognitive Maps," in Geoffrey Underwood, ed., Traffic and Transport Psychology: Theory and
Application (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005), 407-418.
6. Elliot P. Fenech et al., "The Effects of Acoustic Turn-by-Turn Navigation on Wayfinding."
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 54, no. 23 (2010):
World and Screen
HE WORLD is a strange, changeable, and dangerous place. Getting
physical. For ages, human beings have been creating tools to reduce the
strain of travel. History is, among other things, a record of the discovery
of ingenious new ways to ease our passage through our environs, to make
it possible to cross greater and more daunting distances without getting
lost, roughed up, or eaten. Simple maps and trail markers came first, then
star maps and nautical charts and terrestrial globes, then instruments like
sounding weights, quadrants, astrolabes, compasses, octants and sextants,
telescopes, hourglasses, and chronometers. Lighthouses were erected along
shorelines, buoys set in coastal waters. Roads were paved, signs posted,
highways linked and numbered. It has, for most of us, been a long time since
we've had to rely on our wits to get around.
GPS receivers and other automated mapping and direction-plotting de-
vices are the latest additions to our navigational toolkit. They also give the
NICHOLAS CARR is the author of The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our
Brains (2011) and Utopia Is Creepy (2016). His books about technology, economy.
and culture have sparked much conversation those topics, and the catchphrase
"Is Google Making Us Stupid?" comes from his 2008 essay in the Atlantic. He blogs
at roughtype.com and tweets from @roughtype. This essay comes from his book
The Glass Cage: Automation and Us (2014).
Carr / World and Screen
Which raises the obvious question: Who cares? As long as we arrive at our
destination, does it really matter whether we maintain our navigational
sense or offload it to a machine? An Inuit elder on Igloolik may have good
reason to bemoan the adoption of GPS technology as a cultural tragedy, but
those of us living in lands crisscrossed by well-marked roads and furnished
with gas stations, motels, and 7-Elevens long ago lost both the custom of
and the capacity for prodigious feats of wayfinding. Our ability to perceive
and interpret topography, especially in its natural state, is already much re-
duced. Paring it away further, or dispensing with it altogether, doesn't seem
like such a big deal, particularly if in exchange we get an easier go of it.
But while we may no longer have much of a cultural stake in the con
servation of our navigational
have moremal ata
of our navigational prowess, still have a personal stake in it.
We are, after all, creatures of the earth. We're not abstract dots proceeding
ave a personal
along g thin blue lines on computer screens. We're real beings in real bodies
n real places. Getting to know a place takes effort, but it ends in fulfillment
and in knowledge. It provides a sense of personal accomplishment and au-
tonomy, and it also provides a sense of belonging, a feeling of being at h home
in a place rather than passing through it. Whether practiced by a caribou
hunter on an ice floe or a bargain hunter on an urban street, wayfinding
opens a path from alienation to attachment. We may grimace when we
hear people talk of "finding themselves," but the figure of speech, however
vain and shopworn, acknowledges our deeply held sense that who we are is
tangled up in where we are. We can't extract the self from: its surroundings,
at least not without leaving something i
3 something important behind.
A GPS device, by allowing us to get from point A to point B with the
least possible effort and nuisance, can make our lives easier, perhaps imbu-
ing us, as David Brooks suggests, with a numb sort of bliss. But what it steals
from us, when we turn to it too often, is the joy and satisfaction of appre-
hending the world around us-and of making that world a part of us. Tim
Ingold, an anthropologist at the University of A
of Aberdeen in Scotland, draws
a distinction between two very different modes of travel: wayfaring and
in the world." Immersed in the landscape, attuned to its textures and fea-
tures, the wayfarer enjoys "an experience of movement in which action and
perception are intimately coupled." Wayfaring becomes "an ongoing process
of growth and development, or self-renewal." Transport, on the other hand,
"essentially destination-oriented." It's not much a process of discovery
Wayfaring, he explains, is "our most
is "our most fundamental way of being
Transcribed Image Text:[874]
cites an
mix of
and popular
sources. For
some tips
on finding
sources, see
Ch. 21.
4. A good narrative includes DESCRIPTIVE details that make the story come
alive. What part of Canedy's narrative touched you the deepest? Why? De-
scribe your reaction.
5. At some time in our lives, we've all had a run-in with some form of authority.
Think of a frightening or otherwise memorable encounter with an authority
figure. In what ways did your skin color, gender, stature, dress, or other factors
in how you look or present yourself affect that encounter? Did any character-
istics work in your favor or against you-and if so, how? Write a brief NAR-
RATIVE of the encounter as you remember it, reflecting in particular on how
your physical presence affects your life.
tional sense is actually sharpest when they're facing north-the same way
maps point.³ Paper maps don't just shepherd us from one place to the next;
they teach us how to think about space.
The maps generated by satellite-linked computers are different. They
usually provide meager spatial information and few navigational cues. In-
stead of requiring us to puzzle out where we are in an area, a GPS device
simply sets us at the center of the map and then makes the world circulate
around us. In this miniature parody of the pre-Copernican universe, we can
get around without needing to know where we are, where we've been, or
which direction we're heading. We just need an address or an intersection,
the name of a building or a shop, to cue the device's calculations. Julia Fran-
kenstein, a German cognitive psychologist who studies the mind's naviga-
tional sense, believes it's likely that "the more we rely on t
yon technology to find
our way, the less we build up our cognitive maps." Because computer navi-
gation systems provide only "bare-bones route information, without the
spatial context of the whole area," she explains, our brains don't receive the
raw material required to form rich memories of places. "Developing a a cogni-
tive map from this reduced information is a bit like trying to get an entire
musical piece from a few notes."
Other scientists agree. A British study found that drivers using paper
maps developed stronger memories of routes and landmarks than did those
relying on turn-by-turn instructions from satellite systems. After complet-
ing a trip, the map users were able to sketch more precise and detailed dia-
grams of their routes. The findings, reported the researchers, "provide strong
evidence that the use of a vehicle navigation system will impact negatively
on the formation of drivers' cognitive maps." A study of drivers conducted
at the University of Utah found evidence of "inattentional blindness" in GPS
users, which impaired their "wayfinding performance" and their ability to
form visual memories of their surroundings....
3. Julia Frankenstein et al., "Is the Map in Our Head Oriented North?," Psychological Science 23,
no. 2 (2012): 120-125.
4. Julia Frankenstein, "Is GPS All in Our Heads?," New York Times, February 2, 2012.
5. Gary E. Burnett and Kate Lee, "The Effect of Vehicle Navigation Systems on the Formation.
of Cognitive Maps," in Geoffrey Underwood, ed., Traffic and Transport Psychology: Theory and
Application (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005), 407-418.
6. Elliot P. Fenech et al., "The Effects of Acoustic Turn-by-Turn Navigation on Wayfinding."
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 54, no. 23 (2010):
World and Screen
HE WORLD is a strange, changeable, and dangerous place. Getting
physical. For ages, human beings have been creating tools to reduce the
strain of travel. History is, among other things, a record of the discovery
of ingenious new ways to ease our passage through our environs, to make
it possible to cross greater and more daunting distances without getting
lost, roughed up, or eaten. Simple maps and trail markers came first, then
star maps and nautical charts and terrestrial globes, then instruments like
sounding weights, quadrants, astrolabes, compasses, octants and sextants,
telescopes, hourglasses, and chronometers. Lighthouses were erected along
shorelines, buoys set in coastal waters. Roads were paved, signs posted,
highways linked and numbered. It has, for most of us, been a long time since
we've had to rely on our wits to get around.
GPS receivers and other automated mapping and direction-plotting de-
vices are the latest additions to our navigational toolkit. They also give the
NICHOLAS CARR is the author of The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our
Brains (2011) and Utopia Is Creepy (2016). His books about technology, economy.
and culture have sparked much conversation those topics, and the catchphrase
"Is Google Making Us Stupid?" comes from his 2008 essay in the Atlantic. He blogs
at roughtype.com and tweets from @roughtype. This essay comes from his book
The Glass Cage: Automation and Us (2014).
Carr / World and Screen
Which raises the obvious question: Who cares? As long as we arrive at our
destination, does it really matter whether we maintain our navigational
sense or offload it to a machine? An Inuit elder on Igloolik may have good
reason to bemoan the adoption of GPS technology as a cultural tragedy, but
those of us living in lands crisscrossed by well-marked roads and furnished
with gas stations, motels, and 7-Elevens long ago lost both the custom of
and the capacity for prodigious feats of wayfinding. Our ability to perceive
and interpret topography, especially in its natural state, is already much re-
duced. Paring it away further, or dispensing with it altogether, doesn't seem
like such a big deal, particularly if in exchange we get an easier go of it.
But while we may no longer have much of a cultural stake in the con
servation of our navigational
have moremal ata
of our navigational prowess, still have a personal stake in it.
We are, after all, creatures of the earth. We're not abstract dots proceeding
ave a personal
along g thin blue lines on computer screens. We're real beings in real bodies
n real places. Getting to know a place takes effort, but it ends in fulfillment
and in knowledge. It provides a sense of personal accomplishment and au-
tonomy, and it also provides a sense of belonging, a feeling of being at h home
in a place rather than passing through it. Whether practiced by a caribou
hunter on an ice floe or a bargain hunter on an urban street, wayfinding
opens a path from alienation to attachment. We may grimace when we
hear people talk of "finding themselves," but the figure of speech, however
vain and shopworn, acknowledges our deeply held sense that who we are is
tangled up in where we are. We can't extract the self from: its surroundings,
at least not without leaving something i
3 something important behind.
A GPS device, by allowing us to get from point A to point B with the
least possible effort and nuisance, can make our lives easier, perhaps imbu-
ing us, as David Brooks suggests, with a numb sort of bliss. But what it steals
from us, when we turn to it too often, is the joy and satisfaction of appre-
hending the world around us-and of making that world a part of us. Tim
Ingold, an anthropologist at the University of A
of Aberdeen in Scotland, draws
a distinction between two very different modes of travel: wayfaring and
in the world." Immersed in the landscape, attuned to its textures and fea-
tures, the wayfarer enjoys "an experience of movement in which action and
perception are intimately coupled." Wayfaring becomes "an ongoing process
of growth and development, or self-renewal." Transport, on the other hand,
"essentially destination-oriented." It's not much a process of discovery
Wayfaring, he explains, is "our most
is "our most fundamental way of being
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