What was it like in the Spanish mit’a after the Spanish (after 1492)?
What was it like in the Encomienda System & Hacienda System after Spanish (after 1492)?
Transcribed Image Text: Section II- After the Spanish (1492)
Conquest and Administration of New World Colonies
Not long after Columbus set foot in the Caribbean in 1492, Europeans set about colonizing the "New
World." Spanish conquistadores (conquerors) conquered the native Aztec and Inca empires. Their
gunpowder weapons and horses gave them an extraordinary military advantage, their biggest advantage
was an accidental one: disease. Native American peoples had never been exposed to Afro-Eurasian
diseases like small pox and measles. Consequently, they had absolutely no immunity to such maladies.
Germs brought over by the Spanish soldiers decimated native populations, paving the way for European
domination. Similar processes took place in North America, as well, which was colonized by the British and
French in the 1600s.
With their dominance established, Europeans began building their maritime empires in the Americas. For
the Iberian nations of Spain and Portugal, the government, who hoped New World discoveries would
expand their global power, directly funded voyages across the Atlantic. Consequently, the crown exerted
significant control over their American colonies. In New Spain, conquistadores were forced to give up
power to an influx of bureaucrats, lawyers, tax collectors, and administrators. Spanish colonies were ruled
by viceroys, who were the king's representatives in the colonies. Viceroys, in turn, were supervised by
royally-appointed courts. Nevertheless, Spain's grip on its colonies could never be too tight because
distance across the Atlantic and American geography (mountains, jungles) inhibited communication of
imperial authority.
1. How was political control in the Spanish maritime empire organized?
Economy of the Americas under the Spanish
The Spanish and Portuguese set up various systems for deriving wealth from their New World colonies.
In general, the goal was to extract resources from the colonies and ship them back to the "mother
country" in Europe for profit. The economic foundation for this emerging colonial society lay in
commercial agriculture, much of it on large rural estates, and in silver and gold mining. In both cases,
native peoples, rather than African slaves or European workers, provided most of the labor, despite their
much-diminished numbers. Almost everywhere it was forced labor, often directly required by colonial
2. Why did the Spanish want to establish control over labor structures in the Americas?
Encomienda Labor System:
The Plan and the Reality
Under the encomienda system, the Spanish crown
gave Spanish settlers land in America natives who
lived on that land to work for them. This system was
essentially the same as the feudal system that had
been used back home in Europe: the landowner has
the right to exploit the peasants who live on the
The Spanish claimed that the encomienda system would benefit
both settlers and Indians. didn't work out that way
land. Under encomienda, Native Americans were
forced to mine for gold and do back-breaking
agricultural work. Agricultural products and gold
were then sent back to Spain. The Spanish king
effectively ended the encomienda system in 1542
after Catholic Dominican friar and Spanish historian,
Bartolomé de las Casas's wrote, A Short Account of
the Destruction of the Indies, in which he recorded
the impact of the encomienda system on the Native
Americans. After sending his book to the royals in
Spain, the New Laws of 1542 were created. They
Spanish setlers protect,
care for and
Christianlae Indians.
Indians work portion
of their time for Spanish
Spanish settiers force
long labor, don't pay
ledian workers, fail to
protect indians, and seize
Indian lands
Indians die from
disease and hash
living and working
Encomienda ends ater clergy protests
and Indians revolt. Abuses continue
under replacement repartimiento
Transcribed Image Text: effectively ended the encomienda system in the Americas (though not its abuses).
Hacienda System...a later replacement of the encomienda system:
As the encomienda system went out of use, Spanish landowners resorted to a system of debt peonage
(similar to indentured servitude), to recruit labor for their haciendas (large estates, owned by the
Spanish in the Americas). Under this system, landowners advanced loans to native peoples so that they
could buy seeds, tools, and supplies. The debtors then repaid the loans with labor, but wages were so
low that they were never able to pay off their debts. Because legal restrictions often prevented debtors
from fleeing and escaping their obligations, landowners had in effect a captive labor force to work their
Simultaneously in the Andean region the mit'a was used:
In the Spanish colonies in the area now known
as Peru and Bolivia, the Spanish took advantage
of a system of coerced labor that had already
been used by the Inca: mit'a. Under the mit'a
system, one seventh of the native population
was forced to work for four months at a time in
silver mines. The Spanish had discovered a vast
amount of silver in Potosí (see image
embedded), and this silver was an enormous
source of wealth for the Spanish Empire.
However, mining the silver was incredibly
dangerous work. Death rates in the mines were
so high that many men sought to evade the
mit'a system by feeling to distant villages or
even deliberately breaking an arm or leg so that
they could not work.
During the Inca period people had to work four
months, then they returned home. During the
Spanish regimes the number of months
required to work in mines remained the same,
but working conditions changed dramatically,
which made it impossible for them to come back home. While they worked in the mines they had to
spend money on buying food and paying taxes. Earnings were so low that they were always in debt. Now
the rule was that a miner could not leave the mine until he paid his debts. If a man died then his children
had to work in the mines to pay his debts. These labor systems disrupted independent peasant
agriculture for Native Americans.
The Spanish mit'a acted as a method for the Spanish state to extract wealth for its own interests:
shipping silver for trade in Europe or East Asia, or financing wars with other European states to expand
Spanish power.