The blood bank reported that an ether eluate showed an autopanagglutinin, and that an anti-e specificity was also detected. The patient’s Rh phenotype was D+, C+, E-, c+, e+, with a probable genotype of CDe/cde. A warm autoabsorption procedure revealed no underlying alloantibodies. He did not respond to steroids over the next month, and a splenectomy was performed. He was transfused a total of five units of e-negative red cells. His prednisone dosage was gradually decreased, and two months later he was maintaining a hematocrit of 40%. Assume that the patient had a routine CBC and differential performed 6 months after the hospitalization described above. List the pertinent RBC morphology finding(s) you would expect on the differential. Explain you answer. 8) What type of anemia did the patient experience during his hospital stay? Be specific. Explain the mechanism. 9) Give a logical explanation for the patient being started on prednisone.
Please answer question 5 to 9
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