What specific events led to the growth of public high schools? What did educational theorists believe about a comprehensive education? What did progressive educational theorists like John Dewey believe was most important in a student's education? How did Dewey see the connection between schooling and one's social activities? How did graduate schools of education "become centers of professional control?
What specific events led to the growth of public high schools? What did educational theorists believe about a comprehensive education? What did progressive educational theorists like John Dewey believe was most important in a student's education? How did Dewey see the connection between schooling and one's social activities? How did graduate schools of education "become centers of professional control?
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What specific events led to the growth of public high schools? What did educational theorists believe about a comprehensive education?
What did progressive educational theorists like John Dewey believe was most important in a student's education? How did Dewey see the connection between schooling and one's social activities?
How did graduate schools of education "become centers of professional control?