What is the procedure of Improving Stability of Slopes?
What is the procedure of Improving Stability of Slopes?

Stability of slope
A slope is an inclined border surface between an earthwork's air and structure, such as roads, cut or fill, railway cut or fill, earth dams, levees and work on river formation. In engineering practice, the slope stability study is critical to maintaining the integrity of systems and avoiding loss of human life and property.
The common methods for evaluating stability of a slope are the Culmann Method, the Ordinary Slice Method and the Bishop Slice Method. These methods are based on the assumption that, apart from the Culmann method which assumes a plane surface of failure through the toe of the slope, the plane of failure is circular arc.
For a variety of engineering projects, quantitative assessment of the stability of the slopes is important , for example, to build earth dams and embankments, to analyze the stability of normal cliffs, for studying the integrity of excavated cliffs and for studying the deep-seated deterioration of foundations and retaining walls.
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