Using the attached document and the information it provides on a book bag drive, complete the following components for the comprehensive project plan.1. Human Resource Plan: Describe the resource requirements for the project and the roles and skills required of each team member, including the roles and responsibility of the project manager. Include details of the methods to be used for obtaining the team necessary to complete the tasks listed in the project schedule.2. Cost and Budget Estimate: Develop an approximation of the monetary resources needed to complete the project activities. In addition, aggregate the estimated costs of individual activities to prepare the project budget.3. Procurement and Acquisition Plan: Describe theplan to purchase or acquire products, services, orresources needed from outside the project team.The document should also forecast the processes of administering and closing procurement for the project.Compile Project Part 2 and Project Part 3 into a single document.Font: Arial; font size 12; double-spacedLength: 8–9 pagesCitation Style: APAITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTEPhase One of ProjectPlanProject Part 2Kyte, Kevin L.PM4799 Project Management and Administration Capstone Project1. Goals and ObjectivesThe project goal – The project aims at increasing the efficiency and reliabilityto provide book bags to students in need of school supplies in turn withincreasing the branding value.Project goals and objectives are as follows:The goal of this project is to meet the need of customer by makingavailable the book bag drive in the market in a best possible way.The project should help firm to achieve its goal of outstanding customerservice.The project aims to provide services within given deadlines.Project deliverables should be implemented organization wide, providingsupport to most of the assorted functional groups, and customers’satisfaction.The project aims at providing benefits to the customer by enhancing theefficiency of products and services.Further, the project is also aiming at performing cost analysis so thatproducts can be offered at the price which is satisfactory to customer.2. Scope ManagementThe scope of this project can be seen as grabbing the attention of thestakeholders towards the Book Bag drive and increasing earning throughfewer efforts and expenses in the marketing of the products.School community and school going communities are the ones which aremore likely to make use of this project. So the main focus is on thesestakeholders so as to increase the sales and branding value of a book bagdrive. A detailed research will be carried out within these stakeholders toperform the rigorous cost analysis that will have direct impact on sales ofbook bag drives.Constraints and AssumptionsSome of the assumptions that have been identified for the project are asfollows:Major project roles and sufficient budget for the development andimplementation of this project is properly allocated.Team member should be available to ensure delivery of project on time.100% funding has been from sponsorsEfficient, ample, and proper levels of communication exist between thesponsor, management, school officials and the project team during allproject phases.The timeline is feasible and reasonable. The phased rollout providessupport to early achievement and sustained improvement. The projectinvolves a detailed implementation as modules are developed andimplemented, followed by continued competency and enhancements inthe component areas.3.Quality Management PlanInfrastructure and SecurityClassification of DataTo maintain the quality of the project, any data or information must besecured or protected.Any company’s user having authoritative access to data of the companymay, modify data’s classification. The user may be in a position to changeclassification of data if there are sufficient and justifiable reasons of doing so(PMBOK, 2013). Resources doing so will be held strictly responsible for theirchanges. When a new data is created, it should be classified as “CompanyOnly†data till it user reclassifies it as per one’s modifications. Users are heldstrictly for any change in classification they do.Classifications for existing company’ data are given below:Company’s business information (memos, financial documents, planningdocuments etc) should be classified as "Company Only";Company’s customer data (contact details, contracts, billing informationetc) should be classified as "Company Only";Network management data (IP addresses, passwords, configuration files,etc.) should be classified as "Confidential";Human resources information (salary information, employment contracts,etc.) should be classified "Confidential";Published information (pamphlets, performance reports, marketingmaterial, etc.) should be classified "Shared";E-mail between Company’s employees should be classified "CompanyOnly"; and,E-mail between Company’s employees and non-Company employeesshould be regarded as "Unclassified".Compliance1.Any unauthorized user accessing data, device, equipment or a locationwith insufficient privileges can face disciplinary action.2.Any user who is allowed to access a system that he/she controls onbehalf of someone else with insufficient clearance can face disciplinaryaction.3.Any person who is trying to connect to an equipment for which one isnot classified to access the network with an inappropriate part of thenetwork can face disciplinary action,4.Any person who is transmitting data over the network without specificprivileges can face disciplinary action.4. Work Breakdown StructureProject ManagementInitiate ProjectDevelop Project CharterDevelop Work PlanDefine ScopeDevelop WorkBreakdownStructureDefineRequirementsDefine High-LevelRolesDefine High-LevelBudgetIdentify High-LevelControlStrategiesFinalize CharterExecute and ControlProjectPlan ProjectDevelopProjectStaffing PlanDevelopProjectScheduleDevelopProjectBudgetDevelop ProjectControl PlanDevelopCommunicationPlanDevelop QualityManagementPlanFinalize ProjectPlan and GainApprovalsDesign theFrameworkDefine stagesand activitiesBuild theFrameworkWrite thecontentClose the ProjectTest theFrameworkImplement theFrameworkTestusabilityDesignContentformatsReviewcontent forqualityTest contentusabilityDesignDelivery ToolBuild prototypeAdjust tool andcontent basedon feedbackMove toproductionenvironmentConduct postproject reviewCelebrate5.Risk Management PlanAccording to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than21,000 backpack-related injuries occurred between 1999 and 2000. The mostcommon injury was not caused from the weight of the bag but from trippinghazards or wearing them improperly (GPP, 2013). Students rely on their bookbags especially in times where they are running late and cannot stop at theirlocker. A book bag safety program that would detail proper way to wear andstore their bags would be ideal to help prevent these injuries.6.Communication PlanThe purpose of the communication plan is to ensure the Project ManagementImprovement project provides relevant, precise, and consistent project detailsto project stakeholders and other appropriate viewers (PMBOK, 2013). Byeffectively interacting the work can accomplish its work with the support andcollaboration of each stakeholder group.AudienceProject SponsorProject Core TeamProject Review TeamCIO OfficeManagement Groups:Communication Purposeproject progress, project issues ,Project plansproject deliverables, Project direction anddelegation of tasksproject deliverables, Project direction and changesin work processesChanges to business operations, project progress,Project Strategy, and policy and projectdeliverablesProject progress, Project Strategy, Projectdeliverables and changes to business operationsand policy,AudienceProject managersStaffCommunication PurposeProject deliverables, Project Strategy, projectprogress and impact due to changes in policies,Project progress, changes in business proceduresand policies and Impact due to changes inprocedures or policiesThe communication plan provides a structure to manage and organize thewide range of emails that take place during the work. The interaction strategyincludes who will receive the emails, how the emails will be provided, whatdetails will be conveyed, who conveys, and the regularity of the emails.This section recognizes the viewers focused in this Communication Plan, andthe objective of communication with each viewer (PMBOK, 2013).Communication Message ContentsProject PlansCurrent and Upcoming PlansProject Issues and ProblemsOrganized Project Deliverables for Next IntervalStatus ReviewStatus SummaryStatus of ScheduleStatus of BudgetStatus of ScopeAccomplishments AchievedConcerns/IssuesNext StepsProject Group MembersProject BriefingObjectives of Project Control ImprovementProject StatusProject Issues and Issues7.Project ChecklistChange Management PlanIn order to have foreseeable project distribution, it is crucial to handlechanges. The purpose is not to avoid change, but rather to handle change sothat choices are based on a clear knowing of the benefits that the changeswill bring as well as the effect of the changes to the project’s opportunity,schedule, price range and/or benefits (PMBOK, 2013). In some cases thechange may have enough importance to impact the unique business case forthe project, which validated the financing of the book bag project.Change Management is used to content changes in the projectopportunity that effect schedule, price range or benefits of the project. Onceproject opportunity, schedule, price range or advantages have been baselined and joined into Change Management, any changes to the project mustbe officially asked for, and examined regarding the effect the modification willhave on these four key aspects.ResourcesGPP, (2013), Risk Communique, Backpack Related Injuries; Glatfelter PublicPractices, Risk Control Services Department of The Glatfelter InsuranceGroup, retrieved from web July 25, 2015, Management, I. (2013). A Guide to the Project Management Body ofKnowledge (PMBOK Guide). Newtown Square, Pa: Project ManagementInstitute.
Using the attached document and the information it provides on a book bag drive, complete the following components for the comprehensive project plan.1. Human Resource Plan: Describe the resource requirements for the project and the roles and skills required of each team member, including the roles and responsibility of the project manager. Include details of the methods to be used for obtaining the team necessary to complete the tasks listed in the project

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