Two research papers are required by all students in this course. Each paper should be 8–10double-spaced pages in length, although you should consider this as a general guideline (longerpapers will not be penalized, and a shorter paper, if very well done, could be an "A" qualitypaper). Each paper is a research paper, meaning that quality of research does impact the grade ofthe paper. You should plan ahead in developing a strategy for securing resources for each paper.Internet sources, while not forbidden, are generally discouraged as they are often of dubiousquality. With this in mind, you should aim to use at least five quality sources for each paper,including, but not limited to, commentaries and journal articles. Papers will be graded basedupon the clarity and style with which they were written, quality of research, the strength of thearguments made, and the depth of support provided through scripture. All sources should becited through footnotes. Bible references may be cited in-text. Papers should also include aproper bibliography of all sources cited (besides the Bible, which is not considered abibliography source). Each paper must be completed in Turabian format and using MicrosoftWord.Research Paper 2: After researching material on the 1000 years of Revelation 20:1-6 (themillennium), write a paper supporting the millennial view that you believe is best supported byscripture. Because this topic is both exegetical (in reference to Revelation 20:1-6) andtheological (in reference to millennial systems), you may extend your biblical research beyondthe confines of the book of Revelation. Specifically, be sure to describe the details pertaining tothe nature of the millennium, the timing of the millennium (in relation to the Second Coming ofChrist), the duration of the millennium, the occupants of the millennial kingdom, and therelationship of Israel and the church to the millennial kingdom. In the process of writing yourpaper, make sure that you interact with the other views (other than your own), and make sure thatyou provide some reasons why you do not support alternate viewpoints. If you believe that thereare strengths in each viewpoint, you are free to reference those strengths; if you do not believethat you can be conclusive at this point in time, you can take an undecided position. Whateveryour conclusions might be, the key to writing a quality paper is that you interact with thearguments for each position and provide clear exegetical/theological rationale for the positionthat you hold. Research Paper 2 is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.
Two research papers are required by all students in this course. Each paper should be 8â10double-spaced pages in length, although you should consider this as a general guideline (longerpapers will not be penalized, and a shorter paper, if very well done, could be an "A" qualitypaper). Each paper is a research paper, meaning that quality of research does impact the grade ofthe paper. You should plan ahead in developing a strategy for securing resources for each paper.Internet sources, while not forbidden, are generally discouraged as they are often of dubiousquality. With this in mind, you should aim to use at least five quality sources for each paper,including, but not limited to, commentaries and journal articles. Papers will be graded basedupon the clarity and style with which they were written, quality of research, the strength of thearguments made, and the depth of support provided through scripture. All sources should becited through footnotes. Bible references may be cited in-text. Papers should also include aproper bibliography of all sources cited (besides the Bible, which is not considered abibliography source). Each paper must be completed in Turabian format and using MicrosoftWord.Research Paper 2: After researching material on the 1000 years of Revelation 20:1-6 (themillennium), write a paper supporting the millennial view that you believe is best supported byscripture. Because this topic is both exegetical (in reference to Revelation 20:1-6) andtheological (in reference to millennial systems), you may extend your biblical research beyondthe confines of the book of Revelation. Specifically, be sure to describe the details pertaining tothe nature of the millennium, the timing of the millennium (in relation to the Second Coming ofChrist), the duration of the millennium, the occupants of the millennial kingdom, and therelationship of Israel and the church to the millennial kingdom. In the process of writing yourpaper, make sure that you interact with the other views (other than your own), and make sure thatyou provide some reasons why you do not support alternate viewpoints. If you believe that thereare strengths in each viewpoint, you are free to reference those strengths; if you do not believethat you can be conclusive at this point in time, you can take an undecided position. Whateveryour conclusions might be, the key to writing a quality paper is that you interact with thearguments for each position and provide clear exegetical/theological rationale for the positionthat you hold. Research Paper 2 is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

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