This class should contain a main method that initiates the program with the display of the following message: ‘Welcome to the Plane Management application’ at the start of the program. Implement the seat management system using standard arrays to keep track of the seats have been sold, and the seats that are still available. Use 0 to indicate that a seat is available, and 1 to indicate that a seat has been sold. At the start of the program all seats should be available (0). Task 2) Add a user menu in your main method that displays the following menu and asks the user to select an option. Option ‘0’ should terminate the program without crashing or giving an error. The rest of the options will be implemented in the next tasks.r selects an option (Lecture Variables and Control Structures) .Task 3) Create a method called buy_seat that asks the user to input a row letter and a seat number. Check that the row and seat entered are valid and that the seat is available (free). Record the seat as sold (as described in Task 1). Call this method when the user selects ‘1’ in the main menu.Task 4) Create a method called cancel_seat that makes a seat available. It should ask the user to input a row number and a seat number. Check that the row and seat are valid, and that the seat is not available already. Record the seat as available (as described in Task 1). Call this method when the user selects ‘2’ in the main menu. 6 marks Task 5) Create a method called find_first_available that find the first seat which is still available. You should search in row A first, then B, then C and then D. Call this method when the user selects ‘3’ in the main menu. Task 6) A) Create a method called show_seating_plan that shows the seats that are available and the seats that have been sold. Display available seats with the character ‘O’ and the sold seats with ‘X’. Call this method when the user selects ‘4’ in the main menu. Please note that there is a space at the start of row B and C to match the plan seat plan. Part B of coursework needs to be integrated with part A. Do not create a new project for part B. In part B, you will be adding two classes (Ticket and Person) in your project that stores extra information when buying a seat. Task 7) Create a new class file called Person ( with the following attributes: name, surname, and email. Add a constructor that takes the 3 variables as input to create an object Person. Add all the getters and setters of the class Person. Add a method that prints the information from Person. Task 8) Create a new class file called Ticket ( with the following attributes: row, seat, price, and Person. Person is an object created using the class Person from Task 7. Add all the getters and setters of the class Ticket. Add a method that prints the information of a Ticket (including the information of the Person). Task 9) In the main program, add a array of Tickets to store all the tickets sold in that session. Then: 1) Extend the buy_seat method such that when buying a ticket, it asks for all the information of a Person, creates a new Ticket with the corresponding price and seat information and adds the ticket to the new array of Tickets. 2) Extend the cancel_seat method such that when cancelling a ticket, it removes the ticket from the array list of tickets. Task 10) Create a method called print_tickets_info that prints the information of all tickets that have been sold during the session, and calculates the total price of the tickets sold during the session Example, if ticket A1 and B7 were sold during the session, the total amount would be £350 (A1 = £200 + B2 = £150). Call this method when the user selects ‘5’ in the main menu. Task 11) Create a method called search_ticket that asks the user to input a row letter and a seat number and searches if someone has bought that seat. If someone has bought the seat, it will print the Ticket and Person information, otherwise will display ‘This seat is available’. Call this method when the user selects ‘6’ in the main menu. Task 12) Add a method save in the class Ticket that saves the information of the Ticket (including the Person) in a file. The name of the file should be the name of the row and the seat number (e.g., A2.txt for a ticket sold in row A seat 2). Call this method every time a ticket is sold.
This class should contain a main method that initiates the program with the display of the following
message: ‘Welcome to the Plane Management application’ at the start of the program.
Implement the seat management system using standard arrays to
keep track of the seats have been sold, and the seats that are still available. Use 0 to
indicate that a seat is available, and 1 to indicate that a seat has been sold.
At the start of the program all seats should be available (0).
Task 2) Add a user menu in your main method that displays the following menu and asks the
user to select an option. Option ‘0’ should terminate the program without crashing or giving
an error. The rest of the options will be implemented in the next tasks.r
selects an option (Lecture Variables and Control Structures)
.Task 3) Create a method called buy_seat that asks the user to input a row letter and a seat
number. Check that the row and seat entered are valid and that the seat is available (free).
Record the seat as sold (as described in Task 1). Call this method when the user selects
‘1’ in the main menu.Task 4) Create a method called cancel_seat that makes a seat available. It should ask the
user to input a row number and a seat number. Check that the row and seat are valid, and
that the seat is not available already. Record the seat as available (as described in Task
1). Call this method when the user selects ‘2’ in the main menu.
6 marks
Task 5) Create a method called find_first_available that find the first seat which is still
available. You should search in row A first, then B, then C and then D. Call this method
when the user selects ‘3’ in the main menu.
Task 6) A) Create a method called show_seating_plan that shows the seats that are
available and the seats that have been sold. Display available seats with the character ‘O’
and the sold seats with ‘X’. Call this method when the user selects ‘4’ in the main menu. Please note that there is a space at the start of row B and C to match the plan seat plan.
Part B of coursework needs to be integrated with part A. Do not create a new project for part
B. In part B, you will be adding two classes (Ticket and Person) in your project that stores
extra information when buying a seat.
Task 7) Create a new class file called Person ( with the following attributes:
name, surname, and email. Add a constructor that takes the 3 variables as input to create
an object Person. Add all the getters and setters of the class Person. Add a method that
prints the information from Person.
Task 8) Create a new class file called Ticket ( with the following attributes: row,
seat, price, and Person. Person is an object created using the class Person from Task 7. Add all the getters and setters of the class Ticket. Add a method that prints the information
of a Ticket (including the information of the Person).
Task 9) In the main program, add a array of Tickets to store all the tickets sold in that session.
1) Extend the buy_seat method such that when buying a ticket, it asks for all the
information of a Person, creates a new Ticket with the corresponding price and seat
information and adds the ticket to the new array of Tickets.
2) Extend the cancel_seat method such that when cancelling a ticket, it removes
the ticket from the array list of tickets.
Task 10) Create a method called print_tickets_info that prints the information of all
tickets that have been sold during the session, and calculates the total price of the tickets
sold during the session Example, if ticket A1 and B7 were sold during the session, the total
amount would be £350 (A1 = £200 + B2 = £150). Call this method when the user selects
‘5’ in the main menu.
Task 11) Create a method called search_ticket that asks the user to input a row letter and
a seat number and searches if someone has bought that seat. If someone has bought the
seat, it will print the Ticket and Person information, otherwise will display ‘This seat is
available’. Call this method when the user selects ‘6’ in the main menu.
Task 12) Add a method save in the class Ticket that saves the information of the Ticket
(including the Person) in a file. The name of the file should be the name of the row and the
seat number (e.g., A2.txt for a ticket sold in row A seat 2). Call this method every time a
ticket is sold.

Step by step
Solved in 9 steps with 1 images