The standard deviation of returns on Wildcat Oil Drilling is very high. Does this necessarily imply that Wildcat Oil Drilling is a high-risk investment when investors hold diversified portfolios? Explain why or why not. The equation for beta in Chapter 8 shows that the nondiversifiable risk of an asset is the product of its standard deviation of returns and the correlation of those returns with those on a well-diversified portfolio. Wildcat Oil Drilling may have a high standard deviation of returns, but if those returns are poorly correlated with those on a well-diversified portfolio, as is likely the case, nondiversifiable risk may be low. In other words, if investors can diversify away most of Wildcat’s risk, then it is not truly a high-risk investment.
The standard deviation of returns on Wildcat Oil Drilling is very high. Does this necessarily imply that Wildcat Oil Drilling is a high-risk investment when investors hold diversified portfolios? Explain why or why not.
The equation for beta in Chapter 8 shows that the nondiversifiable risk of an asset is the product of its standard deviation of returns and the correlation of those returns with those on a well-diversified portfolio. Wildcat Oil Drilling may have a high standard deviation of returns, but if those returns are poorly correlated with those on a well-diversified portfolio, as is likely the case, nondiversifiable risk may be low. In other words, if investors can diversify away most of Wildcat’s risk, then it is not truly a high-risk investment.

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