The Roman Empire declined/collapsed because of pressures both internal (political near-anarchy) and external (invasions by the Goths and later on the Huns). By the end of the third century CE, the material excess within the Empire came to be viewed as signs of decadence and depravity. What was the appeal of Christianity as it came to replace the rule of Roman law? Do you see parallels between ancient Rome and the contemporary United States?

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The Roman Empire declined/collapsed because of pressures both internal (political near-anarchy) and external (invasions by the Goths and later on the Huns). By the end of the third century CE, the material excess within the Empire came to be viewed as signs of decadence and depravity. What was the appeal of Christianity as it came to replace the rule of Roman law? Do you see parallels between ancient Rome and the contemporary United States?

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