The infrared radiation coming from the center of our galaxy has a wavelength of 2 µm. Using this wavelength to estimate the temperature of the stars present in the center of the galaxy.
Q: 12) Estimate the wavelength of the radiation emitted by an interstellar cloud of 4000 K. nts)
A: Interstellar clouds are made of gas and dust particles that are left over after a star dies. When an…
Q: (a) The colour temperature can be determined from two magnitudes corresponding to two different…
A: To show that : Tc = 7000 K(B-V) +0.47 where, wavelength of B band, λB= 440 nm…
Q: hich statement is most logical? a Thermal temperature is released in form of photons to slow down…
A: Solution: The ideal gas equation gives the relationship between the pressure-volume and temperature.…
Q: What is therate of thermal radiation emittedfrom a star witha radius of 2.310x 109mand a surface…
Q: 656 nm emitted by electrons dropping from the n = 3 to the n = 2 orbital in hydrogen. The hydrogen…
Q: Estimate the surface temperature of a star that emits an intense light of frequency 4.8 ×104 Hz. (а)…
A: Given:Frequency of light, f=4.8×1014 Hz To estimates the surface temperature of star.
Q: In the photon energy range 2 to 10 keV, X rays coming from the Crab Nebula have an intensity of…
Q: the number of air density in a childs balloon is roughly the same as sea level air, 10^19 particles/…
A: Given: Here, n1 and n2 are the number densities. d1 and d2 are the diameters of the balloon.
Q: The Messier Catalog is a. a listing of all the stars within the Local Bubble b. a list of all the…
A: The Messier catalog is a list of 110 commonly found objects in the night sky that can be easily…
Q: Use the Stefan - Boltzman law to calculate the total radiant energy emitted by a blackbody with…
Q: An aurora borealis (similar to the northern lights) takes place in the upper atmosphere of the polar…
A: Gases 2 and 3 are present in this aurora.
Q: n hydrogen, the transition from level 2 to level 1 has a rest wavelength of 121.6 nm. Find the speed…
Q: Consider a star for which the stellar power per unit area at distance 1 AU from the star is 4.5…
A: Intensity at a distance is Radius of star is Note:The Stefan Boltzmann constant is Find:Surface…
Q: If the surface Temperature of a star was about 11000.0 K instead of 7000.0 K what is the ratio of…
A: Given , temperature of the star is 11000 K instead of 7000 K How many times greater is the magnitude…
Q: 서양의 단위는 요을 사용한다. A conducting wire with a uniform radius of 0.40 cm and a length of 3.2 m is…
A: Given: radius r=0.40 cm length l= 3.2 m voltage V= 12 v current I=0.40 A
Q: The number density of air in a child's balloon is roughly the same as sea level air, 1019…
A: Density (p1) = 1019 particles/cm3 Diameter (d1) = 16cm Density (p2) = 1 particle/cm3 Diameter…
Q: A star with a mass like the Sun which will soon die is observed to be surrounded by a large amount…
A: Infrared bands are used in identifying dim, cool stars because they can slice through the stellar…
Q: like a black body with temperature 5800 K. Use the Stefan-Boltzmann Law to calculate the Sun's…
A: Given: Sun's Radius (R) = 6.96 x 1010 cm Stefan-Boltzmann Constant (σ)=5.67 x 10-5 ergs/cm2 K4 s…
Q: Consider a star for which the stellar power per unit area at distance 1 AU from the star is 3.7…
A: Write the expression for the radiated power at the surface of the star. P=σAT4P=σ(4πR2)T4 Here, σis…
Q: Calculate the rms speed of a sodium atom in the solar atmosphere at 6000 K. (The atomic mass of…
Q: Imagine that you are observing a star and you find the wavelength of peak emission for the star to…
A: required:)wavelength of peak emission for a new star having temperature one third of original star.
Q: What is the wavelength of maximum intensity (in nm) and the total energy emitted (in J/s/m2) by a…
A: The temperature of the celestial body is given to be 7K. In case of a celestial body which we…
Q: Assuming the surface temperature of the sun to be 5700°K, use Stefan's law, (1-2), to determine the…
Q: Star A has a temperature of 5,000 K and Star B has temperature of 6,000 K. At what wavelengths (in…
A: Temperature of star A = 5000 k temperature of star B = 6000 k
Q: Plot the spectral emittance the five bodies in our solar system Listed here: Sun (6000 K) Venus (600…
A: The spectral emittance of a body is given by : Bλ(λ,T)=2hc2λ51ehc/λkT−1Here, h is the planck's…
Q: For the wavelength of maximum emission being 17 micrometers,find the temperature of the object and…
Q: In the deep space between galaxies, the number density of atoms is as low as 106 atoms/m3, and the…

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps

- Why is SMF faster than MMF over large distances?17.2 (a) Use the fact that fo [2³/(e² − 1)] dz = π¹/15 to show that the total radiant energy emitted per second by unit area of a blackbody is 27³KT4/15c²h³. Note that this quantity is propor- tional to T4 (Stefan's law). (b) The sun's diameter is 1.4 × 10⁹ m and its effective surface temperature is 5800 K. Assume the sun is a blackbody and estimate the rate of energy loss by radiation from the sun. (c) Use E mc² to calculate the relativistic mass of the photons lost by radiation from the sun in 1 year. =Using Wien's Law for two black body objects with a temperature of 1000 K (fire) and 290 K (background), at what central wavelengths are the two objects radiating?
- 4.A certain star's power output is 2.9 x 1026 W. Assuming an ideal radiator with e = 1, calculate its radius in km if its temperature is 5,720 K. The Stefan-Boltzmann constant is 5.67 x 10-8 W/(m².K4). R = > _km 616,612 margin of error +/- 1%3. Consider the following stellar spectra from the sun and from a supercluster of galaxies. ABSORPTION LINES FROM THE SUN ABSORPTION LINES FROMA SUPERCLUSTER OF GALAXIES BAS11 v = 0.07c, d 1 billion light years (a) Describe the movement of the stars in the supercluster relative to the sun. (b) Suppose the absorption lines on the bottom spectrum had varying thickness. What would this indicate about the stars in the supercluster?
- Physics astronomy/dsinė A beam of electrons is shot towards a material X with a crystalline structure. A diffraction pattern is observed corresponding to a distance d=0.15 nm. between two adjacent Bragg planes. The electrons are each sent in with a kinetic energy of 51.900000000000006 eV. Part a) Find the de Broglie wavelength in nanometres of an electron incident on the material X.P X %23 in a 20 poster wal Sp Sp M Update : THERMAL RADIATION 2 FLORIDA MECHANICAL AGRICULTURA HEAD HEART HAND Problem 4. Planetary Temperatures: Radiation of Heat to Space (Palen, et. al. 1st Ed. Chapter 6 Problem 63 ) FIELD Working It Out 6.2 The Stefan-Boltzmann Law Account Look at Figure 6.17, which shows the spectra of a light source at several different temperatures. This source is assumed to emit electromagnetic radiation only because of its temperature, not its composition. This kind of source is called a blackbody, and if we graph the intensity of its emitted radiation across all wave- lengths (as in Figure 6.17), we obtain a characteristic curve called a blackbody spectrum. As the object's temperature increases, it emits more radiation at every wavelength, so each increase in temperature raises the curve. The luminosity of the object (the total amount of light emitted) increases. In fact, it increases quite fast as the…
- Astronomers use two basis properties of stars to classify them. These two properties are luminosity and surface temperature. Luminosity usually refers to the brightness of the star relative to the brightness of our sun. Astronomers will often use a star’s color to measure its temperature. Stars with low temperatures produce a reddish light while stars with high temperatures shine with a brilliant blue—white light. Surface temperatures of stars range from 3000o C to 50,000o C. When these surface temperatures are plotted against luminosity, the stars fall into groups. Using the data similar to what you will plot in this activity, Danish astronomer Ejnar Hertzsprung and United States astronomer Henry Norris Russell independently arrived at similar results in what is now commonly referred to as the HR Diagram. Procedures:1. Read the Background Information 2. On the graph paper provided. Place a number next to the star according to its luminosity and surface temperature listed in the data…The wavelength of the peak of the blackbody distribution was found to follow Wein’s Displacement Law. Calculate the peak wavelength of a bluish-white star that radiates at temperature 20000 K. a) 145 nm b) 100 nm c) 114 nm d) 155 nmUse Wien's Law to calculate the peak wavelength of light coming from the Sun. Assume T=5800 K for the surface temperature of the Sun. Wein's displacement law says that the blackbody temperature and peak wavelength multiplied together give a constant of 0.29 cm-K. (K is degrees Kelvin). Convert the wavelength from part A into a frequency. The product of wavelength and frequency for electromagnetic radiation is a constant, the speed of light (c), 3 x 10^10 cm/s.