The Crime Control Act of 1994 had which of the following impacts upon the people of color incarcerated in the FEDERAL prison population. (Federal = Persons incarcerated in prisons run by the NATIONAL government.) The Crime Control Act of 1994 created greater educational opportunities for mintorities within federal prisons. The Crime Control Act of 1994 created altneratives to prison and LOWERED the minority prison population. The Crime Control Act of 1994 made the numbered of people of color in the federal prison population almost double. The Crime Control Act of 1994 made the number of people of color in the federal prison system increase by MORE than ten times.
The Crime Control Act of 1994 had which of the following impacts upon the people of color incarcerated in the FEDERAL prison population. (Federal = Persons incarcerated in prisons run by the NATIONAL government.) The Crime Control Act of 1994 created greater educational opportunities for mintorities within federal prisons. The Crime Control Act of 1994 created altneratives to prison and LOWERED the minority prison population. The Crime Control Act of 1994 made the numbered of people of color in the federal prison population almost double. The Crime Control Act of 1994 made the number of people of color in the federal prison system increase by MORE than ten times.
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The Crime Control Act of 1994 had which of the following impacts upon the people of color incarcerated in the FEDERAL prison population.
(Federal = Persons incarcerated in prisons run by the NATIONAL government.)
The Crime Control Act of 1994 created greater educational opportunities for mintorities within federal prisons.
The Crime Control Act of 1994 created altneratives to prison and LOWERED the minority prison population.
The Crime Control Act of 1994 made the numbered of people of color in the federal prison population almost double.
The Crime Control Act of 1994 made the number of people of color in the federal prison system increase by MORE than ten times.