in regards to the Spanish Conqestadors who colonized the Native Americans in Latin America. "With the Indians' conversion to Catholicism," 1. native religions died out 2. most natives continued to practice their own religious rituals 3. rebellions against whites ceased 4. spain lost control of st augustine
in regards to the Spanish Conqestadors who colonized the Native Americans in Latin America. "With the Indians' conversion to Catholicism," 1. native religions died out 2. most natives continued to practice their own religious rituals 3. rebellions against whites ceased 4. spain lost control of st augustine
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in regards to the Spanish Conqestadors who colonized the Native Americans in Latin America. "With the Indians' conversion to Catholicism,"
1. native religions died out
2. most natives continued to practice their own religious rituals
3. rebellions against whites ceased
4. spain lost control of st augustine