Take some time to rate yourself on each of the behaviours listed on the PBDR. In addition to rating yourself, you are required to provide an example (a sentence or two explaining a situation) to support your rating. Accountability   The learner takes responsibility and ownership for decisions, actions, quality and timeliness of work and achieves results. They exercise due diligence, problem solves, adapts to change, communicates professionally, manages time and stressors effectively while pursuing continuous learning in the care setting according to policies and procedures.   Accountability  Developing  Competent  Exemplary  Safety and Risk Management         Knowledge Application        Problem Solving         Communication          Adaptability         Time Management        Stress Management         Work-life Balance        Personal Perspective        Continuous Learning

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Take some time to rate yourself on each of the behaviours listed on the PBDR. In addition to rating yourself, you are required to provide an example (a sentence or two explaining a situation) to support your rating.


The learner takes responsibility and ownership for decisions, actions, quality and timeliness of work and achieves results. They exercise due diligence, problem solves, adapts to change, communicates professionally, manages time and stressors effectively while pursuing continuous learning in the care setting according to policies and procedures.  





Safety and Risk Management  




Knowledge Application 




Problem Solving  













Time Management 




Stress Management  




Work-life Balance 




Personal Perspective 




Continuous Learning 




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