Table Q4. Average monthly discharge of Athi River City, m³/s Year Jan Feb Mar 1987 2.92 5.10 1.95 Apr 4.42 May Jun 3.31 2.24 Jul Aug 1.05 Sep 0.74 1.02 Oct Nov Dec 1.08 3.09 7.62 2 1988 24.3 11.5 17.2 12.6 7.28 7.53 3.03 10.2 10.9 17.6 16.7 3 1989 15.3 13.3 14.2 36.3 13.5 3.62 1.93 1.83 1.93 4 1990 11.5 4.81 8.61 27.0 4.19 2.07 1.15 2.04 5 1991 11.1 7.90 41.1 6.77 8.27 4.76 2.78 2.10 1.70 1.44 4.02 3.29 5.98 12.7 3.12 2.97 4.45 4.45 3.03 12.2 7.22 1.98 6 1992 2.92 5.10 28.7 0.91 0.67 1.33 2.38 2.69 3.03 7 1993 7.14 10.7 9.63 21.1 10.2 5.13 3.03 10.9 3.12 2.61 3.00 3.82 14.0 14.2 8 1994 4.96 7.36 47.4 29.4 2.29 1.70 1.56 1.56 2.04 2.35 9 1995 2.89 9.57 17.7 16.4 6.83 3.74 1.60 1.13 1.13 1.42 1.98 2.12 24.7 10 1996 1.78 1.95 7.25 6.26 8.92 3.57 1.98 1.95 3.09 3.94 12.7 11 1997 13.8 6.91 12.9 11.3 3.74 1.98 1.33 1.16 0.85 2.63 6.49 5.52 12 1998 4.56 8.47 59.8 9.80 6.06 5.32 2.14 1.98 2.17 3.40 8.44 11.5 13 1999 13.8 29.6 38.8 13.5 37.2 22.8 6.94 3.94 2.92 2.89 6.74 3.09 14 2000 2.51 13.1 27.9 22.9 16.1 9.77 2.44 1.42 1.56 1.83 2.58 2.27 15 2001 16 2002 17 2003 8.92 18 2004 6.20 1.61 21.8 4.08 14.0 8.21 45.1 12.8 33.2 22.8 5.49 4.25 5.98 19.6 8.50 6.09 6.43 6.15 10.5 3.91 1.64 1.64 1.90 3.14 3.65 31.9 5.24 19.1 19.1 56.6 7.05 69.1 26.8 3.82 8.86 5.89 5.55 12.6 19.5 20.8 7.73 5.75 2.95 1.49 1.69 4.45 4.22 19 2005 15.7 38.4 14.2 6.26 3.43 3.99 2.79 1.79 2.35 2.86 20 2006 21.7 19.9 40.0 11.7 13.2 4.28 3.31 9.46 7.28 14.9 26.5 21 2007 31.4 37.5 29.6 30.8 11.9 5.98 2.71 2.15 2.38 6.03 14.2 11.55 22 2008 29.2 20.5 34.9 35.3 13.5 5.47 3.29 3.14 3.20 2.11 5.98 7.62 2 Q5. In continuing the evaluation of the Athi River as a water supply for Konza City above perform an annual minima extreme-value analysis on the data in Table 4. Determine the recurrence interval of monthly flows that fail to meet an average demand of 0.31 m³/s. Also determine the discharge of the mean monthly annual minimum flow. Q6. Using the data in Table 4, determine the storage required to meet Konza City;s demand of 0.25 m3/s for the period from August 1994 through January 1997. CHAPTER 5 Q7. Determine the lime storage volume required for the following conditions: Average water demand = 0.18 m3/s Maximum dosage=200 mg/L as CaO Shipping time 1 week Lime is an interruptible chemical Assume the bulk density and purity of lime is the average of the values given in Table 7.. Q4. Perform a complete series analysis on the Athi River data in Table 4. Determine the mean monthly discharge. If the average demand for Konza City supply is 0.25 m³/s, and the regulatory agency will permit a withdrawal of 5% of the flow, will the Athi River provide a safe yield? 1 Table Q4. Average monthly discharge of Athi River City, m³/s Year Jan 1 1987 2.92 Feb Mar Apr 5.10 1.95 4.42 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 3.31 2.24 1.05 0.74 1.02 1.08 3.09 7.62 2 1988 24.3 16.7 11.5 17.2 12.6 7.28 7.53 3.03 10.2 10.9 17.6 16.7 3 1989 15.3 13.3 14.2 36.3 13.5 3.62 1.93 1.83 1.93 3.29 5.98 12.7 4 1990 11.5 4.81 8.61 27.0 4.19 2.07 1.15 2.04 2.10 3.12 2.97 4.45 5 1991 11.1 7.90 41.1 6.77 8.27 4.76 2.78 1.70 1.44 4.02 4.45 3.03 12.2 7.22 1.98 0.91 0.67 1.33 2.38 6 1992 2.92 5.10 28.7 2.69 3.03 7 1993 7.14 10.7 9.63 21.1 10.2 5.13 3.03 10.9 3.12 2.61 3.00 3.82 8 1994 7.36 47.4 29.4 14.0 14.2 4.96 2.29 1.70 1.56 1.56 2.04 2.35 9 1995 2.89 16.4 6.83 3.74 1.60 1.13 1.13 1.42 1.98 2.12 9.57 17.7 10 1996 1.78 11 1997 13.8 6.91 12.9 12 1998 4.56 8.47 59.8 13 1999 13.8 29.6 38.8 14 2000 2.51 15 2001 1.61 21.8 16 2002 24.7 1.95 7.25 6.26 8.92 3.57 1.98 1.95 3.09 3.94 12.7 11.3 3.74 1.98 1.33 1.16 0.85 2.63 6.49 5.52 9.80 13.5 6.06 5.32 2.14 1.98 2.17 3.40 8.44 11.5 37.2 22.8 6.94 3.94 2.92 2.89 6.74 3.09 22.9 16.1 9.77 2.44 13.1 27.9 4.08 14.0 8.21 45.1 6.43 1.42 1.56 1.83 2.58 2.27 12.8 33.2 22.8 5.49 4.25 5.98 19.6 8.50 6.09 19 2005 15.7 20 2006 21.7 21 2007 31.4 22 2008 29.2 6.15 10.5 3.91 1.64 31.9 7.05 3.82 17 2003 8.92 5.24 19.1 69.1 26.8 18 2004 6.20 19.1 56.6 19.5 20.8 7.73 5.75 2.95 1.49 1.69 4.45 38.4 14.2 19.4 6.26 3.43 3.99 2.79 1.79 2.35 2.86 19.9 40.0 40.8 11.7 13.2 4.28 3.31 9.46 7.28 37.5 29.6 30.8 11.9 5.98 2.71 2.15 2.38 6.03 20.5 34.9 35.3 13.5 5.47 3.29 3.14 3.20 2.11 1.64 1.90 3.14 3.65 8.86 5.89 5.55 12.6 4.22 10.9 14.9 26.5 14.2 11.55 5.98 7.62
Table Q4. Average monthly discharge of Athi River City, m³/s Year Jan Feb Mar 1987 2.92 5.10 1.95 Apr 4.42 May Jun 3.31 2.24 Jul Aug 1.05 Sep 0.74 1.02 Oct Nov Dec 1.08 3.09 7.62 2 1988 24.3 11.5 17.2 12.6 7.28 7.53 3.03 10.2 10.9 17.6 16.7 3 1989 15.3 13.3 14.2 36.3 13.5 3.62 1.93 1.83 1.93 4 1990 11.5 4.81 8.61 27.0 4.19 2.07 1.15 2.04 5 1991 11.1 7.90 41.1 6.77 8.27 4.76 2.78 2.10 1.70 1.44 4.02 3.29 5.98 12.7 3.12 2.97 4.45 4.45 3.03 12.2 7.22 1.98 6 1992 2.92 5.10 28.7 0.91 0.67 1.33 2.38 2.69 3.03 7 1993 7.14 10.7 9.63 21.1 10.2 5.13 3.03 10.9 3.12 2.61 3.00 3.82 14.0 14.2 8 1994 4.96 7.36 47.4 29.4 2.29 1.70 1.56 1.56 2.04 2.35 9 1995 2.89 9.57 17.7 16.4 6.83 3.74 1.60 1.13 1.13 1.42 1.98 2.12 24.7 10 1996 1.78 1.95 7.25 6.26 8.92 3.57 1.98 1.95 3.09 3.94 12.7 11 1997 13.8 6.91 12.9 11.3 3.74 1.98 1.33 1.16 0.85 2.63 6.49 5.52 12 1998 4.56 8.47 59.8 9.80 6.06 5.32 2.14 1.98 2.17 3.40 8.44 11.5 13 1999 13.8 29.6 38.8 13.5 37.2 22.8 6.94 3.94 2.92 2.89 6.74 3.09 14 2000 2.51 13.1 27.9 22.9 16.1 9.77 2.44 1.42 1.56 1.83 2.58 2.27 15 2001 16 2002 17 2003 8.92 18 2004 6.20 1.61 21.8 4.08 14.0 8.21 45.1 12.8 33.2 22.8 5.49 4.25 5.98 19.6 8.50 6.09 6.43 6.15 10.5 3.91 1.64 1.64 1.90 3.14 3.65 31.9 5.24 19.1 19.1 56.6 7.05 69.1 26.8 3.82 8.86 5.89 5.55 12.6 19.5 20.8 7.73 5.75 2.95 1.49 1.69 4.45 4.22 19 2005 15.7 38.4 14.2 6.26 3.43 3.99 2.79 1.79 2.35 2.86 20 2006 21.7 19.9 40.0 11.7 13.2 4.28 3.31 9.46 7.28 14.9 26.5 21 2007 31.4 37.5 29.6 30.8 11.9 5.98 2.71 2.15 2.38 6.03 14.2 11.55 22 2008 29.2 20.5 34.9 35.3 13.5 5.47 3.29 3.14 3.20 2.11 5.98 7.62 2 Q5. In continuing the evaluation of the Athi River as a water supply for Konza City above perform an annual minima extreme-value analysis on the data in Table 4. Determine the recurrence interval of monthly flows that fail to meet an average demand of 0.31 m³/s. Also determine the discharge of the mean monthly annual minimum flow. Q6. Using the data in Table 4, determine the storage required to meet Konza City;s demand of 0.25 m3/s for the period from August 1994 through January 1997. CHAPTER 5 Q7. Determine the lime storage volume required for the following conditions: Average water demand = 0.18 m3/s Maximum dosage=200 mg/L as CaO Shipping time 1 week Lime is an interruptible chemical Assume the bulk density and purity of lime is the average of the values given in Table 7.. Q4. Perform a complete series analysis on the Athi River data in Table 4. Determine the mean monthly discharge. If the average demand for Konza City supply is 0.25 m³/s, and the regulatory agency will permit a withdrawal of 5% of the flow, will the Athi River provide a safe yield? 1 Table Q4. Average monthly discharge of Athi River City, m³/s Year Jan 1 1987 2.92 Feb Mar Apr 5.10 1.95 4.42 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 3.31 2.24 1.05 0.74 1.02 1.08 3.09 7.62 2 1988 24.3 16.7 11.5 17.2 12.6 7.28 7.53 3.03 10.2 10.9 17.6 16.7 3 1989 15.3 13.3 14.2 36.3 13.5 3.62 1.93 1.83 1.93 3.29 5.98 12.7 4 1990 11.5 4.81 8.61 27.0 4.19 2.07 1.15 2.04 2.10 3.12 2.97 4.45 5 1991 11.1 7.90 41.1 6.77 8.27 4.76 2.78 1.70 1.44 4.02 4.45 3.03 12.2 7.22 1.98 0.91 0.67 1.33 2.38 6 1992 2.92 5.10 28.7 2.69 3.03 7 1993 7.14 10.7 9.63 21.1 10.2 5.13 3.03 10.9 3.12 2.61 3.00 3.82 8 1994 7.36 47.4 29.4 14.0 14.2 4.96 2.29 1.70 1.56 1.56 2.04 2.35 9 1995 2.89 16.4 6.83 3.74 1.60 1.13 1.13 1.42 1.98 2.12 9.57 17.7 10 1996 1.78 11 1997 13.8 6.91 12.9 12 1998 4.56 8.47 59.8 13 1999 13.8 29.6 38.8 14 2000 2.51 15 2001 1.61 21.8 16 2002 24.7 1.95 7.25 6.26 8.92 3.57 1.98 1.95 3.09 3.94 12.7 11.3 3.74 1.98 1.33 1.16 0.85 2.63 6.49 5.52 9.80 13.5 6.06 5.32 2.14 1.98 2.17 3.40 8.44 11.5 37.2 22.8 6.94 3.94 2.92 2.89 6.74 3.09 22.9 16.1 9.77 2.44 13.1 27.9 4.08 14.0 8.21 45.1 6.43 1.42 1.56 1.83 2.58 2.27 12.8 33.2 22.8 5.49 4.25 5.98 19.6 8.50 6.09 19 2005 15.7 20 2006 21.7 21 2007 31.4 22 2008 29.2 6.15 10.5 3.91 1.64 31.9 7.05 3.82 17 2003 8.92 5.24 19.1 69.1 26.8 18 2004 6.20 19.1 56.6 19.5 20.8 7.73 5.75 2.95 1.49 1.69 4.45 38.4 14.2 19.4 6.26 3.43 3.99 2.79 1.79 2.35 2.86 19.9 40.0 40.8 11.7 13.2 4.28 3.31 9.46 7.28 37.5 29.6 30.8 11.9 5.98 2.71 2.15 2.38 6.03 20.5 34.9 35.3 13.5 5.47 3.29 3.14 3.20 2.11 1.64 1.90 3.14 3.65 8.86 5.89 5.55 12.6 4.22 10.9 14.9 26.5 14.2 11.55 5.98 7.62
Practical Management Science
6th Edition
Author:WINSTON, Wayne L.
Publisher:WINSTON, Wayne L.
Chapter2: Introduction To Spreadsheet Modeling
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 20P: Julie James is opening a lemonade stand. She believes the fixed cost per week of running the stand...
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