Suppose that you are looking into purchasing a new computer system. You have suitable benchmark results for all of the systems that you are considering, except for System X, Model Q. The benchmark results have been reported for System X, Model S, and they are not quite as good as that of several competing brands. In order to complete your research, you call the people at System X computer company and ask when they plan to publish benchmark results for the Model Q. They tell you that they will not be publishing these results anytime soon, but because the disk drives of Model Q give an average access time of 12ms, whereas Model S had 15ms drives, Model Q will perform better than Model S by 25%. How would you record the performance metrics for System X, Model Q?
Suppose that you are looking into purchasing a new computer system. You have suitable benchmark results for all of the systems that you are considering, except for System X, Model Q. The benchmark results have been reported for System X, Model S, and they are not quite as good as that of several competing brands. In order to complete your research, you call the people at System X computer company and ask when they plan to publish benchmark results for the Model Q. They tell you that they will not be publishing these results anytime soon, but because the disk drives of Model Q give an average access time of 12ms, whereas Model S had 15ms drives, Model Q will perform better than Model S by 25%. How would you record the performance metrics for System X, Model Q?
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