(state what the specific disorder is (i.e. if it's a personality disorder, which one) list the symptoms they are experiencing that made you give them that diagnosis. Be sure to be as detailed, some disorders have similar symptoms. 1.Jack graduated from high school and got a job working in a video store. After working for about 6 months Jack began to hear voices that told him he was no good. He also began to believe that his boss was planting small video cameras in the returned tapes to catch him making mistakes. Jack became increasingly agitated at work, particularly during busy times, and began "talking strangely" to customers. For example, one customer asked for a tape to be reserved and Jack indicated that that tape may not be available because it had "surveillance photos of him that were being reviewed by the CIA". Jack has also been noted as occasionally laughing abruptly and inappropriately and sometimes stops speaking mid-sentence, looking off in the distance as though he sees or hears something. After about a year Jack quit his job one night, yelling at his boss that he couldn't take the constant abuse of being watched by all the TV screens in the store and even in his own home.
(state what the specific disorder is (i.e. if it's a personality disorder, which one) list the symptoms they are experiencing that made you give them that diagnosis. Be sure to be as detailed, some disorders have similar symptoms.
1.Jack graduated from high school and got a job working in a video store. After working for about 6 months Jack began to hear voices that told him he was no good. He also began to believe that his boss was planting small video cameras in the returned tapes to catch him making mistakes. Jack became increasingly agitated at work, particularly during busy times, and began "talking strangely" to customers. For example, one customer asked for a tape to be reserved and Jack indicated that that tape may not be available because it had "surveillance photos of him that were being reviewed by the CIA". Jack has also been noted as occasionally laughing abruptly and inappropriately and sometimes stops speaking mid-sentence, looking off in the distance as though he sees or hears something. After about a year Jack quit his job one night, yelling at his boss that he couldn't take the constant abuse of being watched by all the TV screens in the store and even in his own home.
2. Natalie has a big interview coming up and has been extremely nervous about it. She's been preparing for it for weeks, but when the day comes, she has "butterflies in her stomach" and feels nauseous from her nerves. She's worried that it won't go well, and she won't end up getting offered the position. As she goes in for the interview her hands are clammy, and her voice is shaky at first. She tries taking several deep breaths and thinking positive thoughts to calm her nerves, but she's just ready to get the interview over with.
3. James, a 2-year-old boy, is brought in with his parents, due to his symptoms and behaviors he's been showcasing since almost birth. They revealed that he doesn't like to make eye contact with anyone and rarely speaks. When he does speak, his speech seems delayed and short. He also only likes to hold or be touched with soft/smooth toys or materials, if the object has a different texture, he cries uncontrollably if he is touched with the object. Moreover, if his daily routine is changed in any small way, he picks up on those details and has a fit by flapping his hands, crying, screaming, and sometimes rocking back and forth.
4.Brianna was recently broken up with and is seeing you due to suicidal ideation. She states that she was devasted by the break-up and doesn't know how to be alone. She really loved her boyfriend and depended on him for everything. When questioning further you discover she used you to call him over 20 times a day and send 100's of texts wanting reassurance that he still loved her and that she was good enough for him. She states that he called her clingy and would obsessively fear losing him, that she drove him away with her constant neediness. She asks for your advice on how to get him back and if you think what he said was true several times throughout the session. You also note that she downs herself every chance she gets and tends to back down whenever she senses any sort of disagreement about to occur.
5. Nick talks about the recent divorce of his parents and how hard it's been on him and his siblings. He states that he, especially, hasn't been coping well with it at all because he blames himself for not trying harder to keep them together. As he is talking you notice under his sleeve as he moves in his seat that there are deep cut marks on his arm. You decide to question him about these marks and he claims he did them. He confesses though, that he's too scared to die and, also, could never do that to his family.
6. Layla recently had a baby about a month ago, but she's not felt like herself since she got pregnant. Everyone keeps telling her it's because she's a new mom and she'll get used to it, but she's felt sad for weeks and has had trouble bonding with her baby. She thinks it's because she's tired all the time and has been having nightmares when she sleeps, which causes her to feel fatigued and sluggish throughout the day. However, she's been forgetting to eat and feeling guilty for not being a loving mother, because she just can't seem to have any interest in not only her baby, but anything that used to make her happy.
7. Alexa sets up a meeting with you via Facetime from her home computer. She states that she hasn't left her home in almost a year due to her fear that if she leaves, no one would help her should she have a panic attack. She states that she hates the idea of crowds and she feels as though she wouldn't be able to get away from them all should she become surrounded. Just the idea of this makes her feel nervous and scared. She's tried talking herself into making some progress through the encouragement of her family, but every time she gets to the front door her fear sets in and she has to go to her bedroom to try and calm herself back down.

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