State th e null and alternative hypothe se s and the level of significance . State and che ck the as sumptions for the hypothesis test a. A rando m sample is taken. b. Expected freq uencies for each cell are g reater than or equal to 5 (The exp ect ed frequencies, E, will be calculated later, and this assumption means E ǃ 5 ). 3. Find the test statistic and p-value 4. Mak e a decision about the hypotheses. 5. S ummarize your findings. 4) A me dic al re se arc he r is inte re ste d in de te rmining if the re is a rela tionship be twe en a dults over 50 who e xe rc ise re gula rly a nd low, mo de rat e, a nd high blood pre ssur e. A ra ndom sa mple of 236 adults o ve r 50 is se lec ted a nd th e results are given be low. T est the cl aim tha t r egular exercise and low, mode ra te , a nd high blood pre ss ure a re inde pe nde nt. Use ΅ = 0.01. Blood Pre ss ure Low Mode rate High Re g. Exe rci se 35 62 25 No Re g. Exe rcise 21 65 28
. State th e null and alternative hypothe se s and the level of significance . State and che ck the as sumptions for the hypothesis test a. A rando m sample is taken. b. Expected freq uencies for each cell are g reater than or equal to 5 (The exp ect ed frequencies, E, will be calculated later, and this assumption means E ǃ 5 ). 3. Find the test statistic and p-value 4. Mak e a decision about the hypotheses. 5. S ummarize your findings.
4) A me dic al re se arc he r is inte re ste d in de te rmining if the re is a rela tionship be twe en a dults over 50 who e xe rc ise re gula rly a nd low, mo de rat e, a nd high blood pre ssur e. A ra ndom sa mple of 236 adults o ve r 50 is se lec ted a nd th e results are given be low. T est the cl aim tha t r egular exercise and low,

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Solved in 4 steps with 5 images