Sickle cell anemia causes red blood cells to take on a sickle shape. This reduces their ability to transport oxygen. (a) Explain in detail how this is going to impact energy production in the cell. (b) What might the cell do in response? Format B I + ...
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Sickle cell anemia is a disease prevalent in parts of Africa and India where malaria is also endemic. The red cells of the patient have a pronounced morphological change and resemble the shape of a farmer's sickle and thus the name of the disease. Because these unusually shaped red cells have impaired oxygen carrying capacity and further get stuck in the small capillaries tehy lead to the anemic conditions observed in the patients. Interestingly such sickle RBC cells resists the malarial infection and hence offer some selection unfortunately for the malaria to be coprevalent with the sickle cell anemia.
Red blood cells provide your body with the oxygen and the nutrients you need for the growth. A shortage of the healthy red blood cells can slow growth in the infant and children and delay puberty in teenagers .
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