Reply to this discussion post? Stereotypically, women are said to talk more. This stereotype is ironically set by men. They are also perceived as annoying for talking as much as they do. However, as Tannen points out, it is not the women talking that is annoying, it is what they are talking about that is perceived as annoying. Rapport-talk is used by women and is seen as, "a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships." (pg.107) Report-talk is used by men and is seen as, "exhibiting knowledge and skill, and by holding center stage through verbal performance such as storytelling, joking, or imparting information." (pg.107) Talking and communication for women is seen has a way to communicate feelings, talk about issues within our day, what happened at the store, and/or who upset us today and why. From a young age, girls are taught these ways of communication through 'private speaking'. On the other hand, boys are taught to communicate in a more informationally based way, to grab and keep ahold of listeners attention through 'public speaking'. With this being said, women most definitely use rapport-talk more while men use report-talk. It has been proven that men speak more in public while women speak more in private. This is because, "[A]ll her life she has had practice in verbalizing her thoughts and feelings in private conversations with people she is close to; all his life he has has practice in dismissing his and keeping them to himself..." (pg.110) This example is straight from a conflict that arises in many relationships because of our conversational styles. Women are left feeling unimportant and un-loved and men are left feeling confused on what went wrong. It is very important to understand someone's communication style and be able to adapt to them The sooner we are able to do this, the easier life will be for all of us because we will not expect certain reactions or expectations from others.
Reply to this discussion post?
Stereotypically, women are said to talk more. This stereotype is ironically set by men. They are also perceived as annoying for talking as much as they do. However, as Tannen points out, it is not the women talking that is annoying, it is what they are talking about that is perceived as annoying.
Rapport-talk is used by women and is seen as, "a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships." (pg.107) Report-talk is used by men and is seen as, "exhibiting knowledge and skill, and by holding center stage through verbal performance such as storytelling, joking, or imparting information." (pg.107) Talking and communication for women is seen has a way to communicate feelings, talk about issues within our day, what happened at the store, and/or who upset us today and why. From a young age, girls are taught these ways of communication through 'private speaking'. On the other hand, boys are taught to communicate in a more informationally based way, to grab and keep ahold of listeners attention through 'public speaking'. With this being said, women most definitely use rapport-talk more while men use report-talk.
It has been proven that men speak more in public while women speak more in private. This is because, "[A]ll her life she has had practice in verbalizing her thoughts and feelings in private conversations with people she is close to; all his life he has has practice in dismissing his and keeping them to himself..." (pg.110) This example is straight from a conflict that arises in many relationships because of our conversational styles. Women are left feeling unimportant and un-loved and men are left feeling confused on what went wrong. It is very important to understand someone's communication style and be able to adapt to them The sooner we are able to do this, the easier life will be for all of us because we will not expect certain reactions or expectations from others.

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