ption 2: Display the Record of a particular Patient When a user selects option 2, The main function prompts for and reads a PatientID. Then it calls the the function getPatient(patientID), which then searches for this PatientID in the text-file. If the Patient is not found, an appropriate error message is displayed, otherwise; the Patient’s information is displayed. In both cases, the option waits for the Enter key to be pressed before returning control to the main menu. Please select your choice: 2 Enter Patient ID: 1002 Patient ID Patient Name Weight Ave. Weight Visits 1002 Majed Sameer 18 .6 18 .2 2 Press Enter key to continue . . . Please select your choice: 2 Enter Patient ID: 1552 Error: Invalid Patient Press Enter key to continue . . .
Option 2: Display the Record of a particular Patient
When a user selects option 2, The main function prompts for and reads a PatientID. Then it calls the the
function getPatient(patientID), which then searches for this PatientID in the text-file. If the Patient is not
found, an appropriate error message is displayed, otherwise; the Patient’s information is displayed. In
both cases, the option waits for the Enter key to be pressed before returning control to the main menu.
Please select your choice: 2
Enter Patient ID: 1002
Patient ID Patient Name Weight Ave. Weight Visits
1002 Majed Sameer 18 .6 18 .2 2
Press Enter key to continue . . .
Please select your choice: 2
Enter Patient ID: 1552
Error: Invalid Patient
Press Enter key to continue . . .
Option 3: Display all Patient Weight
It prompts for- and reads a maximum weight from the user. Then it displays all patients with weight less
than or equal to the give weight. Also, it displays the percentage weight increase (with a + sign) or
decrease (with a - sign) in the patients weight from the average weight, using the formula in Eqn (1)
P = (weight – average weight)/ (average weight) x 100 ……………………………… (1)
Please select your choice: 3
Please enter max. weight (Kg): 55
Patient ID Patient Name Weight Ave. Weight P(%) Visits
1007 Ahmad Said 51.5 51.5 0.00 1
1003 Suleiman Wasim 25.5 28.5 -10.53 2
1002 Majed Sameer 18 .6 15 .2 +22.37 2
1001 Aisha Abdullatif 10.1 10.1 0.00 1
Press Enter key to continue . . .
Please select your choice: 3
Please enter max. weight (Kg): - 55
Error: Invalid withdraw amount
Press Enter key to continue . . .
Option 4. Update Patient
This option uses the function update(patientID, weight). It prompts for and reads a PatientID, and their
current weight (weight). The new average weight can be calculated using Eqn (2) and the new visit
counts can be calculated using Eqn (3).
Ave. weight = (weight + ave. weight * visit) / (visit + 1) …………………………………….. (2)
visit = visit + 1 ………………………………………………………………………...…. (3)
If the PatientID is zero, or the PatientID, visits and/or any of the weights (i.e., weight and average
weight) is negative an appropriate error message is displayed; otherwise it searches for this PatientID in
the text-file and update their record as described earlier. Also, if the PatientID is not found an
appropriate error message is displayed, as shown by the test run below:
Please select your choice: 4
Please enter Patient ID: 1001
Please enter current weight (Kg): 11.15
Please enter average weight (Kg): 10.25
Please enter the patients number of visits: 3
Patient’s information has been updated . . .
Press Enter key to continue . . .
Please select your choice: 4
Please enter Patient ID: 2256
Please enter current weight (Kg): 11.15
Please enter average weight (Kg): 10.25
Please enter the patients number of visits: 3
Error: Invalid patient ID
Press Enter key to continue . . .
Please select your choice: 4
Please enter Patient ID: 1001
Please enter current weight (Kg): -11.15
Please enter average weight (Kg): 10.25
Please enter the patients number of visits: 3
Error: Invalid weight
Press Enter key to continue . . .
Control is returned to the main menu after pressing the Enter key.
Options 5. Add New Patient
To implement Option 5, search the text-file for the PatientID of the record to be added. If the PatientID
exists, display an error; otherwise append the new record to the end of the text-file.
Options 6. Delete Patient
To implement option 6, search the text-file for the PatientID and deleted the patient when found. If the
PatientID does not exist, display an error.
Use the clause throws FileNotFoundException or throws IOException for each method that
performs File I/O.
You must not share code with another project group. Doing so will result in a zero grade for all
groups involved.
please make new code or correct my code , but the problem i cant send my code here because the code is too long.
in my code i have an problem in options 5 and 6

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