Provide the MySQL commands for the following queries. Make sure that your queries produce the exact output as shown (row order can be different). [2] Show the information (id, fname, lname and major program name) of all students enrolled in the class 10003 in the following manner.
Provide the MySQL commands for the following queries. Make sure that your
queries produce the exact output as shown (row order can be different).
[2] Show the information (id, fname, lname and major program name) of all
students enrolled in the class 10003 in the following manner.
| stuId | fname | lname | major | class 10003 grade |
| 100000 | Tony | Hawk | Computer Science | C |
| 100002 | David | Hawk | Computer Science | D |
| 100004 | Larry | Johnson | Information Technology | A |
| 100005 | Linda | Johnson | Computer
The MySQL commands for the following queries are :
1st Command :
CREATE TABLE grade (grade VARCHAR(10), gradePoint VARCHAR(10);
INSERT INTO grade (grade, gradePoint) VALUES ('A', '4.0000'), ('A-', '3.6667'),('B', '3.0000'), ('B+','3.3333'), ('B-','2.6667'), ('C','2.0000'),('C+','2.3333'), ('C-','1.6667'), ('D','1.0000'), ('D+','1.3333'), ('D-','0.6667'), ('F','0.0000'), ('IP', NULL), ('P', NULL),('WX',NULL);
SELECT * FROM grade;
2nd Command :
CREATE TABLE school (schoolCode VARCHAR(50), schoolName VARCHAR(50));
INSERT INTO school (schoolCode, schoolName) VALUES ('BUS', 'Business'),('EDU', 'Education'), ('HSH', 'Human Science and Humanities'), ('CSE', 'Science and Engineering');
SELECT * FROM school;
3rd Command :
CREATE TABLE student(stuId INT(10), fname VARCHAR(20), lname VARCHAR(20), major VARCHAR(10), minor VARCHAR(10), credits INT(10), advisor INT);
INSERT INTO student (stuId, fname, lname, major, minor, credits, advisor) VALUES (100000,'Tony', 'Hawk', 'CSCI', 'CINF', 40, 1011), (100001, 'Mary', 'Hawk', 'CSCI', 'CINF', 35, 1011), (100002, 'David', 'Hawk', 'CSCI', 'ITEC', 66, 1012), (100003, 'Catherine', 'Lim', 'ITEC', 'CINF', 20, NULL), (100004, 'Larry', 'Johnson', 'ITEC' , NULL, 66, 1017), (100005, 'Linda', 'Johnson', 'CINF', 'ENGL', 13, 1015), (100006, 'Lilliam', 'Johnson', 'CINF', 'ITEC', 18,1016),(100007, 'Ben', 'Zico', NULL, NULL, 16, NULL),(100008, 'Bill', 'Ching', 'ARTS', NULL, 90, NULL),(100009, 'Linda', 'King', 'ARTS', 'CSCI', 125, 1018),(100111, 'Cathy', 'Johanson', NULL, NULL, 0, 1018);
select * from student;
4th Command :
CREATE TABLE class (classId INT(10), courseId INT(10), semester VARCHAR(10), year INT (5), FacId INT(10), room VARCHAR (10));
INSERT INTO class (classId, courseId, semester, year, facId, room) VALUES (10000, 2000, 'Fall', 2019, 1011,'D241'), (10001, 2001,'Fall', 2019, 1011, 'D242'),(10002, 2002, 'Fall', 2019, 1012, 'D136'),(10003, 2020, 'Fall', 2019, 1014, 'D241'),(10004,2021,'Fall', 2019, 1014, 'D241'),(10005, 2040, 'Fall', 2019, 1015, 'D237'), (10006, 2041, 'Fall', 2019, 1019, 'D217'), (10007, 2060, 'Fall', 2019, 1020, 'B101'),(10008, 2080, 'Fall', 2019, 1018, 'D241'),(11000, 2000, 'Spring', 2020, 1011, 'D241'),(11001,2001, 'Spring', 2020, 1012, 'D242'),(11002, 2002, 'Spring', 2020, 1013, 'D136'),(11003, 2020, 'Spring', 2020, 1016, 'D217'),(11004, 2061, 'Spring', 2020, 1018, 'B101');
select * from class
5th Command :
CREATE TABLE course (courseId INT(10), rubric VARCHAR(10), number INT(10), title VARCHAR(50), credits INT(5));
INSERT INTO course (courseId, rubric, number, title, credits) VALUES (2000, 'CSCI', 3333, 'Data Structure', 3),(2001, 'CSCI', 4333, 'Design of Database System', 3),(2002, 'CSCI', 5333, 'DBMS',3),(2020,'CINF',3321, 'Introduction to Information Systems',3),(2021, 'CINF', 4320, 'Web Application Development', 3),(2040, 'ITEC', 3335, 'Database Development', 3),(2041, 'ITEC', 3312, 'Introduction to Scripting', 3),(2060, 'ENGL', 1410, 'English I', 4),(2061, 'ENGL', 1311, 'English II', 3),(2080, 'ARTS', 3311, 'Hindu Arts',3),(2090, 'ACCT', 3333, 'Managerial Accounting', 3);
select * from course;
6th Command :
show tables ;
Step by step
Solved in 3 steps with 6 images