President Obama’s decision to make recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board and the Consumer Protection Agency __________. a. was accepted by both houses of Congress in a nonpartisan show of unity b. angered Senate Republicans because the Senate has the duty to accept or reject presidential nominations for “Officers of the United States” c. was stopped by a federal court because they violated the Constitution d. was opposed by the Supreme Court because the president had failed to get their approval before the positions were filled e. outraged Democrats in the House because the House of Representatives has the duty to confirm presidential appointments to departments and agencies of the federal government

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President Obama’s decision to make recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board and the Consumer Protection Agency __________. a. was accepted by both houses of Congress in a nonpartisan show of unity b. angered Senate Republicans because the Senate has the duty to accept or reject presidential nominations for “Officers of the United States” c. was stopped by a federal court because they violated the Constitution d. was opposed by the Supreme Court because the president had failed to get their approval before the positions were filled e. outraged Democrats in the House because the House of Representatives has the duty to confirm presidential appointments to departments and agencies of the federal government
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