PlayFair Cipher 1. A. Playfair - Encode: Use Playfair to Encode the message using a 5x5 matrix based on the key "LONG PASSWORD" (remember to use unique characters only) P: PLAYFAIR MESSAGE K: LONG PASSWORD = LONGPASWRD L O N G S W DO B с E 1/J K M U P R D F H Q T V X Y Z B. Use Playfair to Decode the message using the same matrix from the previous problem. Use X for padding, if necessary. Ciphertext: GNRXLVQAOWMNBMMZ Key: LONG PASSWORD= LONGPASWRD Permutation C. Simple Permutations - Encode message using TRANSPOSITION key "": Message: PERMUTATIONS ARE TRANSPOSITIONS
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Encoding is the process of converting plain text or data into a different form or code so that it can't be read by anyone who doesn't have the key to decode it. It is often used for security purposes, to protect sensitive information from being accessed by unauthorized parties.
Decoding is the process of converting encoded data back to its original form so that it can be read and understood. The decoding process requires the use of the key that was used during the encoding process.
Encoding and decoding are processes used to transform information from one form to another in order to make it more secure or to make it easier to transmit or store.
Playfair cipher:
The Playfair cipher is a cryptographic technique that uses a 5x5 matrix of letters to encrypt and decrypt messages. The matrix is generated using a keyword or phrase, with any duplicate letters removed and I and J treated as the same letter. The plaintext message is then divided into pairs of letters, and each pair is encrypted using a set of rules that depend on the position of the letters within the matrix.
The rules for encrypting a pair of letters in the Playfair cipher are:
If the letters are the same, insert an "X" between them, if they are in the same row, replace each letter with the letter to its right
If the letters form a rectangle in the matrix, replace each letter with the letter in the same row and the other letter's column.
The process of decrypting a message using the Playfair cipher is simply the reverse of the encryption process. The ciphertext is divided into pairs of letters, and each pair is decrypted using the same set of rules.
Transposition Cipher:
A transposition cipher is a cryptographic technique that involves rearranging the letters in a message without changing them. The most common type of transposition cipher is the columnar transposition cipher, which involves writing the plaintext message in rows, and then rearranging the columns based on a key. The key is usually a sequence of numbers that specifies the order in which the columns should be read.
The transposition key is used to specify the order in which the columns of the plaintext message should be read during the encoding and decoding processes. The key can be any sequence of numbers, as long as it is the same for both the encoding and decoding processes. The transposition cipher is generally considered to be less secure than other types of ciphers, such as the substitution cipher or modern encryption algorithms. For example, the transposition cipher can be used to scramble the letters of a password, to make it more difficult for an attacker to guess.
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