Part 1: Create Car and Garage dasses in accordance with the following specifications. I have provided the CarTester class as a test driver to test your Car and Garage dasses. Do not change the CarTester dass source code. Car Class Specifications: The Car dass must be in aseparate package from the CarTester class. The Car dass will contain, at a minimum, the following information as constants (in Java use final to specify a constant): make • model • year fuel tanks ize fuel economy-fuel economy at best speed optimal speed-speed at which the car has the most efficient fuel economy You will need other fields besides those listed above. These other fields will not be constants. Some of the other fields: • odometer • trip a dameter color fuel level The Car dass will also need 2 constructors: Car() -a no argument constructor that initializes an instance using random values. • Car(String, String, String, int, double, double, double)-accepts arguments to initialize the new Car object with make, model, color, year, tanksize, fuel economy, and best speed. You should ato initialize the two odometers and the fuel level with random values. The Car dass must implement the following methods. package addFuelToTank(double): double (Note: This methad needs to be public for the CarTester program and package for the CarGarage Driver program. The package access modifier i implemented by leaving the methods access modifier blank. Package is used to restrict access to classes in the same package.) • Adds fuel to the car's fuel tank • Precondition: Car has a fuel tank Pastcondition: Car's fueltank may have added fuel Parameter available fuel to add to fuel tank
public getFuelLevel():double
retrieves fuel level in gallons
Precondition: fuel level is initialized
Postcondition: no change in state
Return: fuel level in gallons with decimal values
public getFuelTankSize():double
retrieves fuel level in gallons
Precondition: fuel level is initialized
Postcondition: no change is state
Return: fuel level in gallons with decimal values
public setUpTrip(double, double): void
Car's state is set to hold the speed of travel and distance to travel at that speed
Precondition: none
Postcondition: Car's state holds information on distance to travel and speed to travel
Parameters: Average Speed to be driven, Distance to drive
Develop and use an
driven in the drive() method. The algorithm must use a formula or multiple formulas ( as a
piecewise function) that gives proportionately poorer mileage when the Car is driven faster or
slower than its optimal speed. When a new Car object is instantiated, it is initialized with an
optimal speed variable. Your fuel usage algorithm should set limits on how poor of MPG your
car will get, i.e. set an arbitrary limit of 2 or 3 miles per gallon.
You may add other methods and fields as needed.
When a new Car object is created,
the car’s odometer is set to a random number between 0.0 and 5.99,
the car’s trip odometer is set to 0.0,
its best fuel economy (MPG) is set to a random number between 15.0 and 54.99,
its optimal speed is set to a random number between 45.0 and 64.99,
and its fuel tank size is set to a random number between 8 and 34.99 gallons.
Hint: Use “helper” methods to generate these random values.
Use Math.random( ) to generate your random numbers. Remember Math.random( )
generates a random double number value from 0.0 to but not including 1.0.
o So, to get a random number between 0.0 and 99.99 you must multiply the result
of Math.random( ) by 100.
o To get a random number between 5 and 15(excluding 15), subtract 5 from 15 to
get 10, multiply Math.random() by 10 then add 5.
o Example: If Math.random( ) produced 0.4584, multiplying it by 10 would produce
4.584. Then adding 5 would produce 9.584, which is a value between 5 and 15.
Since the new class Car inherits the .equals() and .toString() methods from the Java Object class,
you will need to overload the .equals( ) method and override the .toString( ) method.
Part 2:
After you are comfortable with the Car class, create a Garage class to store Cars. The Garage
object is an instantiation of a Garage class that contains “parking”, an array of the Car class. You
must use a Car[] not an ArrayList<Car> for the “parking” in the garage. You will use Car objects
to fill the garage. I will provide an algorithm for the CarGarageDriver class as a test driver to test
your Car and Garage classes.
The rules for the garage are:
The size of the garage is specified by the user.
The user may only use cars from the garage
A Car is removed from the Garage when a user retrieves a Car from the Garage.
The Car is returned to the Garage, after it is driven if it does not run out of fuel.
The user interacts with the Car object after the Car object is retrieved from the garage.
The program should not fail due to a user selection.
A car may only be refueled while in the Garage
The user may select to drive any car that is currently in the garage
The user is the only one that may request that a car be refueled(do not refuel a car
After the user gets a Car, they set up the drive by entering in the average speed and the
driving distance.
See the Car methods above.
the driving distance is the round-trip distance from the garage and back again.
The driver program is only allowed to use the Car’s public methods listed above, and
those you create for the Garage class.
The user drives the car by telling that car to drive. Again, you may use menus to offer
options to the user. (See the attached example run of my CarGarageDriver

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