our task is to implement a variation of the classic word game Hangman
Your task is to implement a variation of the classic word game Hangman, which involves players
guessing the letters in a word chosen at random with a finite number of guesses. While there are
alternate versions such as category Hangman and Wheel of Fortune, which involve players
guessing idioms, places, names and so on, we will be sticking with the traditional version.
You will implement a function called main that allows users to play an interactive hangman game
against the computer. The computer should pick a word, and players should then try to guess letters
in the word until they win or run out of guesses.
Here is the overarching behaviour we expect:
1. The program should load a list of available words from the text file provided. Note that
the file you have been given contains words in lowercase.
2. The computer should then select a word at random from the list at random.
3. The user is given a certain number of guesses at the beginning.
4. The game is interactive; the user inputs their guess and the computer either:
a. reveals the letter if it exists in the secret word
b. penalizes the user and updates the number of guesses remaining
5. The game ends when the user guesses the word, or runs out of available guesses.
You are going to make use of a common approach to computational problem solving, which
involves breaking the problem down into several logical subtasks to make things more
manageable. The file hangman.py contains several existing helper variables and functions
which you should use to help you complete the task.
format :
# -----------------------------------
# Helper code
# You don't need to understand this helper code,
# but you will have to know how to use the functions
# (so be sure to read the docstrings!)
import random
import string
# Responses to in-game events
# Use the format function to fill in the spaces
responses = [
"I am thinking of a word that is {0} letters long",
"Congratulations, you won!",
"Your total score for this game is: {0}",
"Sorry, you ran out of guesses. The word was: {0}",
"You have {0} guesses left.",
"Available letters: {0}",
"Good guess: {0}",
"Oops! That letter is not in my word: {0}",
"Oops! You've already guessed that letter: {0}",
def choose_random_word(all_words):
return random.choice(all_words)
# end of helper code
# -----------------------------------
def load_words():
# TODO: Fill in your code here
# Load the list of words into the variable wordlist
# Accessible from anywhere in the program
# TODO: uncomment the below line once
# you have implemented the load_words() function
# wordlist = load_words()
def is_word_guessed(word, letters_guessed):
# TODO: Fill in your the code here
def get_guessed_word(word, letters_guessed):
# TODO: Fill in your code here
# TODO: Fill in your code here
def hangman(word):
print("Welcome to Hangman Ultimate Edition")
print("I am thinking of a word that is {0} letters long".format(len(word)))
# TODO: Fill in your code here
# ---------- Challenge Functions (Optional) ----------
def get_score(name):
def save_score(name, score):
# When you've completed your hangman function, scroll down to the bottom
# of the file and uncomment the last lines to test
# (hint: you might want to pick your own
# word while you're doing your own testing)
# -----------------------------------
def main():
# Uncomment the line below once you have finished testing.
# word = choose_random_word(wordlist)
# Uncomment the line below once you have implemented the hangman function.
# hangman(word)
# Driver function for the program
if __name__ == "__main__":

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