Your task for this assignment is to use C++ language to perform basic set operations 1. Perform basic set operations using the C++ programming language. The program should begin by initializing three sets, A, B and C, to the values shown below. Perform the union and intersection of the three sets. Perform these set differences: A-B, B-A, A-C, C-A, B-C and C-B. The total number of set operations performed is eight. A = {P1 P12 P18 P20 P27 P29 P6 P7} B = {P1 P12 P23 P26 P28 P8} C = {P1 P13 P14 P15 P2 P22 P23 P25 P29 P7} 2. The program should output the original set values and the results of the above eight set operations performed, all clearly labeled for the reader. The program output results are to be written to a text file named csc231_prog1_lastname.txt (where lastname is your last name). 3. As a starting point, consider creating and run a Visual Studio C++ project containing the following C++ code. Then make appropriate changes for this assignment: // csc231 program1 sample c++ code // #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { string s1 = "c:\\Users\\Kevin Byron\\"; string outFile; cout << "\nPlease enter the output filename: "; cin >> outFile; string inFileAdd2 = s1 + outFile; ofstream out_stream; cout << "File name is " + inFileAdd2 + "\n";, ios::out); if ( { cout << "Error!! Output file opening failed."; exit(1); } // // your new program code goes here ... // out_stream << "Hello. Done.\n"; } 4. The program should be named csc231_prog1_lastname.cpp, where lastname is your last name. Your C++ program should contain comments starting on line 1 containing this information: a. the ID, section and name of the course b. your name c. this file name d. the program assignment number and due date e. the program purpose You are encouraged to add additional comments throughout the program that your feel might be helpful to the reader of your source code.