omantics appreciated Nature and reviled cities; so much so that the Romantic poets have been called the Nature Poets. Yet they never talk about JUST Nature, always bringing in humanity. Is this a contradiction of the idea of them as the "Nature Poets"? Where do you see such a use of Nature themes in Blake, William Wordsworth, Shelley and Coleridge? Use Songs of Innocence and of Experience (specific poems), Lyrical Ballads and The Prelude, and Coleridge. Discuss the use of nature as symbol (like Blake's "The Tyger," Wordsworth's use of nature in "Tintern Abbey" and his river imagery in The Prelude, and Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" and "Mt. Blanc") and the advocacy of the preservation of nature in the Romantic poets (which led, arguably to the formation of our national parks). WHY should we preserve nature, according to the Romantics? Which of the writers acknowledge the frightful aspect of nature and where do they do so? What about the time in which they lived would lead the Romantics to be advocates of Nature? What kind of legacy have they left us today? Write a thesis statement for the topic above.
Romantics appreciated Nature and reviled cities; so much so that the Romantic poets have been called the Nature Poets. Yet they never talk about JUST Nature, always bringing in humanity. Is this a contradiction of the idea of them as the "Nature Poets"? Where do you see such a use of Nature themes in Blake, William Wordsworth, Shelley and Coleridge? Use Songs of Innocence and of Experience (specific poems), Lyrical Ballads and The Prelude, and Coleridge. Discuss the use of nature as symbol (like Blake's "The Tyger," Wordsworth's use of nature in "Tintern Abbey" and his river imagery in The Prelude, and Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" and "Mt. Blanc") and the advocacy of the preservation of nature in the Romantic poets (which led, arguably to the formation of our national parks). WHY should we preserve nature, according to the Romantics? Which of the writers acknowledge the frightful aspect of nature and where do they do so? What about the time in which they lived would lead the Romantics to be advocates of Nature? What kind of legacy have they left us today?
Write a thesis statement for the topic above.

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