Mr. Reddy is a 62 yo presenting to ED at 1500hrs. He was preparing the gas cylinder for a Sunday BBQ when it suddenly exploded while he was trying to connect the hose. Family standing by tried to extinguish the fire with their hands and tried to remove his clothing. Burns 30% TBSA – Face, hands, bilateral lower limbs. Complaints of severe pain and burning 10/10. Past Medical History: Hypertension, Type II DM Regular medications – Candesartan 8mg, Glimepiride 4mg, Metformin 500mg and Pravastatin 20mg. Fully vaccinated against COVID. Airway. - Patent, superficial burns to right side of face Breathing. - Spontaneous, RR-22mt, SPO2-92% RA, air-entry equal Circulation- Lower limb odema, cap refill 3 seconds, bilateral dorsal pedis pulses weak. BP- 88/50 mmHg, HR- 127/mt, sinus tachycardia, Disability - GCS-15 E4V5M6, PEARL- 3mm, Exposure - Temperature 35.9 deg Celsius. Full thickness burns to right lower limb and right arm, partial thickness burns to left lower limb, bilateral hands. Superficial burns to face. Fluids - IVF saline in-situ 80ml/hr. Tolerating sips of water. Oliguric Glucose - 12mmol/L Explain in an oral presentation the high priority clinical manifestations that have resulted in the escalation to MET call using a primary survey format (A-G)?
Mr. Reddy is a 62 yo presenting to ED at 1500hrs. He was preparing the gas cylinder for a Sunday BBQ when it suddenly exploded while he was trying to connect the hose. Family standing by tried to extinguish the fire with their hands and tried to remove his clothing. Burns 30% TBSA – Face, hands, bilateral lower limbs. Complaints of severe pain and burning 10/10. Past Medical History: Hypertension, Type II DM Regular medications – Candesartan 8mg, Glimepiride 4mg, Metformin 500mg and Pravastatin 20mg. Fully vaccinated against COVID.
Airway. - Patent, superficial burns to right side of face
Breathing. - Spontaneous, RR-22mt, SPO2-92% RA, air-entry equal
Circulation- Lower limb odema, cap refill 3 seconds, bilateral dorsal pedis pulses weak. BP- 88/50 mmHg, HR- 127/mt, sinus tachycardia,
Disability - GCS-15 E4V5M6, PEARL- 3mm,
Exposure - Temperature 35.9 deg Celsius. Full thickness burns to right lower limb and right arm, partial thickness burns to left lower limb, bilateral hands. Superficial burns to face.
Fluids - IVF saline in-situ 80ml/hr. Tolerating sips of water. Oliguric
Glucose - 12mmol/L
Explain in an oral presentation the high priority clinical manifestations that have resulted in the escalation to MET call using a primary survey format (A-G)?

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nurse intervention for Mr. Reddy is a 62 yo presenting to ED at 1500hrs. He was preparing the gas cylinder for a Sunday BBQ when it suddenly exploded while he was trying to connect the hose. Family standing by tried to extinguish the fire with their hands and tried to remove his clothing. Burns 30% TBSA – Face, hands, bilateral lower limbs. Complaints of severe pain and burning 10/10. Past Medical History: Hypertension, Type II DM Regular medications – Candesartan 8mg, Glimepiride 4mg, Metformin 500mg and Pravastatin 20mg. Fully vaccinated against COVID.