Name of country is  Kosovo  1. Country Overview A.  INTRODUCTION which includes (At least half a page):• The name of the country• The capital of the country• The location (what continent it's on)• A survey of the country's history• Current political system• Social system• Legal System • Legal issues B.  HISTORY of your country which includes (One paragraph):• The Date the country came into existence.• Famous people/rulers/kings/presidents/etc. from the country's history.• Major events in the country's history.• How the country became a country. C.  GEOGRAPHY of your country (One paragraph).  It should include:• Major landforms.• Major landmarks.• Major bodies of water.• Major cities. D.  CLIMATE of your country (One paragraph).  It should include:• General weather conditions• Average yearly rainfall• Average yearly temperature• What effects the climate has on the country 2. Culture Briefing -- A survey of cultural practices important for the visitor to be aware of and aguide to cross-cultural success in the focus country. (Half a page) It should include:• Clothing                     • Music• Holidays                     • Religions The major language(s) spoken• Food• Government Also provide references

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Name of country is  Kosovo 

1. Country Overview
A.  INTRODUCTION which includes (At least half a page):
• The name of the country
• The capital of the country
• The location (what continent it's on)
• A survey of the country's history
• Current political system
• Social system
• Legal System 
• Legal issues
B.  HISTORY of your country which includes (One paragraph):
• The Date the country came into existence.
• Famous people/rulers/kings/presidents/etc. from the country's history.
• Major events in the country's history.
• How the country became a country.
C.  GEOGRAPHY of your country (One paragraph).  It should include:
• Major landforms.
• Major landmarks.
• Major bodies of water.
• Major cities.
D.  CLIMATE of your country (One paragraph).  It should include:
• General weather conditions
• Average yearly rainfall
• Average yearly temperature
• What effects the climate has on the country
2. Culture Briefing -- A survey of cultural practices important for the visitor to be aware of and a
guide to cross-cultural success in the focus country. (Half a page)
It should include:
• Clothing                     
• Music
• Holidays                     
• Religions

  • The major language(s) spoken
    • Food
    • Government

Also provide references

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