Peter has a whole number succession a1,a2,... ,an
He can play out the accompanying activity quite a few times (potentially, zero):
• Select any certain whole number k
(it very well may be different in various tasks).
• Pick any situation in the arrangement (perhaps the start or end of the succession, or in the middle of any two
components) and supplement k
• into the arrangement at this position.
• Along these lines, the succession a
• changes, and the following activity is performed on this changed arrangement.
For instance, if a=[3,3,4]
what's more he chooses k=2, then, at that point, after the activity he can acquire one of the arrangements
[2-,3,3,4], [3,2-,3,4], [3,3,2-,4], or [3,3,4,2-]
Peter needs this arrangement to fulfil the accompanying condition: for each 1sis|a|, aisi. Here, Ja denotes the
size of a
Assist him with observing the base number of tasks that he needs to perform to accomplish this objective. We can
show that under the limitations of the issue it's conceivable…