Mary enters into a 5-year lease for a factory owned by Norma. She says she intends to open a pottery business. The lease contains clauses that restrict assignment or subletting without the landlord’s consent, and requires the tenant to keep the premises in good repair. Norma goes interstate for 4 months. When she returns, she discovers that Mary has sublet the property to a video mail-order service specialising in soft pornography that does not breach any laws. Norma also finds that the wooden loading ramp has been buckled.  Briefly explain Norma’s rights and remedies.

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Mary enters into a 5-year lease for a factory owned by Norma. She says she intends to open a pottery business. The lease contains clauses that restrict assignment or subletting without the landlord’s consent, and requires the tenant to keep the premises in good repair. Norma goes interstate for 4 months. When she returns, she discovers that Mary has sublet the property to a video mail-order service specialising in soft pornography that does not breach any laws. Norma also finds that the wooden loading ramp has been buckled. 
Briefly explain Norma’s rights and remedies.
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