Chemistry of Life
The field in which the chemical properties, structure, location, and biological processes in the body are studied is the chemistry of life. The term chemistry of life incorporates chemistry in the life processes; the study of life processes comes under biology.
Covalent and Ionic Bonds
Atoms of different elements except noble gases do not have a complete octet, so they combine with other atoms to form a chemical bond. When two atoms of the same and different elements mutually share two electrons, one by one, to form a bond between them, the bond is called a covalent bond. On the other hand, an electrovalent or ionic bond is formed when a metal atom transfers one or more electrons to a non-metal atom.
Carbon Bonding
It is basically an association between two C that is formed by sharing a pair of electrons among them. Commonly, this is a single or sigma (σ) bond. Sometimes double or triple or pi (Π) bonds can also be formed. These are formed when orbitals of two C atoms get hybridized.
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Alcohols are hydroxyl (-OH) group or moiety containing organic aliphatic molecule. They are produced when a hydrogen atom of an aliphatic compound is substituted with hydroxyl moiety. The general expression of alcohol is R-OH, where the R is an aliphatic group. Their general formula is CnH2n+2O, where n = number of carbon atoms. If n = 1, then CH4O = CH3OH or methanol, n = 2, C2H6O = C2H5OH ethanol.
1.1. An atom of element X has an atomic number of 14 and a mass number of 30. Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) An atom of sodium has 14 protons, 14 electrons, and 14 neutrons.
(B) An atom of sodium has 14 protons, 16 electrons, and 14 neutrons
(C) An atom of sodium has 14 protons, 14 electrons, and 16 neutrons.
(D) An atom of sodium has 14 protons, 16 electrons, and 16 neutrons.
1.2. The ability of carbon to form four covalent bonds with a variety of atoms is
(A) Isomerism
(B) Tetravalence
(C) Hydrolysis
(D) Quadravalence
1.3. Water resists changing its temperature because of its …
(A) High heat of vaporization
(B) Low specific heat
(C) High specific heat
(D) Low heat of vaporization
1.4. A solution where [H+] < [OH−] is more:
(A) Acidic
(B) Basic
(C) Neutral
(D) None of the above
1.5. Malnourishment results when there is
(A) A diet that does not provide enough fatty acids
(B) A diet with short-term absence of one or more essential nutrients
(C) A diet that does not provide enough chemical energy
(D) A diet with long-term absence of one or more essential nutrients
1.6. Unfolding of a protein can be termed as
(A) Renaturation
(B) Denaturation
(C) Oxidation
(D) Reduction
1.7. A coiled peptide chain held in place by hydrogen bonding between peptide bonds in the same chain is called
(A) Primary structure
(B) α – helix
(C) Quarternary structures
(D) Tertiary Structure
1.8. A codon contains how many
(A) 4
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 6
1.9. What is the composition of nucleoside?
(A) a sugar + a phosphate
(B) a base + a sugar
(C) a base + a phosphate
(D) a base + a sugar + phosphate
1.10. Identify the purine base of
(A) Cytosine
(B) Thymine
(C) Uracil
(D) Adenine
1.11. Amylose is a form of
(A) Starch
(B) Polysaccharide
(C) Sugar
(D) All of the above
1.12. Fats are constructed from:
(A) Lipids and phospholipids
(B) Glycerol and fatty acids
(C) Fatty acids and phospholipids
(D) Glycerol and lipids

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