M.a.k.e. .a. .d.e.t.a.i.l.e.d. .e.x.p.l.a.n.a.t.i.o.n. .w.i.t.h. .a.b.o.u.t. .W.i.t.h.h.o.l.d.i.n.g. .T.a.x.e.s. N.o.t.e.:. .W.i.t.h.h.o.l.d.i.n.g. .T.a.x.e.s. .P.h.i.l.i.p.p.i.n.e. .B.a.s.e.d.
Q: Risk may be dealt with in a number of ways including transferring it to others or retaining it…
A: There are several risks that occur and that can influence the practices and working of the…
Q: T.o.p.i.c.:. .D.e.d.u.c.t.i.o.n.s. .f.r.o.m. .G.r.o.s.s. .I.n.c.o.m.e N.o.t.e.:. .I.n.c.o.m.e.…
A: Income taxation in the Philippines involves various deductions and computations to determine the net…
Q: A family member, who works at a car shop tells you that American cars are not reliable and instead…
A: Drawing conclusions relates to information that is intended or assumed. This indicates that the…
Q: list the penalities for insider trading under the securites Act of jamaica (conduct of business)
A: Insider trading refers to the buying or selling of securities by individuals who have access to…
Q: A Secondary Residence has a main building with two detached private structures on the same premises.…
A: In this explanation, we will address two questions related to insurance coverage provisions. The…
Q: Since about 63% of a company’s market valuation is due to its reputation, it is prudent to have a…
A: The concept of a company's market valuation refers to the total value that the market assigns to the…
Q: Assume that you are an independent consultant working for Billy plc, a medium-sized construction…
A: We can say that where using a residential property for commercial purposes has become a popular…
Q: The Wages of Sin? Chris Dykstra, responsible for loss prevention at Westwind Electronics, took a…
A: The scenario presents a dilemma faced by Chris Dykstra, responsible for loss prevention at Westwind…
Q: 2. A healthcare organization is investigating the organization’s compliance with the post-procedure…
A: A health care organization can be defined as the organization that is developed by the NGO or a…
Q: P.l.e.a.s.e. .h.e.l.p. .m.e. .t.o. .d.o. .t.h.i.s. .t.a.s.k.,. .o.u.r. .b.u.s.i.n.e.s.s. .i.s.…
A: In the fast-paced world of phone accessories, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for the…
Q: D.e.d.u.c.t.i.o.n.s. .f.r.o.m. .G.r.o.s.s. .I.n.c.o.m.e. N.o.t.e.:. .I.n.c.o.m.e. .t.a.x.a.t.i.o.n.…
A: In the Philippines, there are a number of deductions that can be taken from gross income in order to…
Q: A digital signature is a kind of digital signature. How do digital and electronic signatures vary…
A: Digital signature: It is a kind of digital fingerprint that is securely encrypted and identifies an…
Q: In my case, I belong to a risk management group within a company operating six ramen shops in a…
A: Risk is inevitable in any type of business and therefore, every organization should have arrangement…
Q: Which of the following is NOT true regarding applicants for an insurance licensed OA Half of the…
A: This answer investigates the legitimacy of four statements made by applicants for an insurance…
Q: Quality Management Project Model -1 An industrial company that produces a .1 rge number of different…
A: Quality measurement is an important part of any production system. Once the quality reaches its…
Q: 16. For the following statement, select "true" if the activity is required for a reduced penalty…
A: A self-audit program enables businesses to find and address environmental compliance breaches before…
Q: E.x.c.l.u.s.i.o.n. .f.r.o.m. .G.r.o.s.s. .I.n.c.o.m.e. N.o.t.e.:. .I.n.c.o.m.e. .t.a.x.a.t.i.o.n.…
A: Note: As per bartleby guidelines in case multiple questions are asked by the students then the…
Q: What steps should be taken if any inspector fails to keep adequate records?
A: Typically the inspector will ask the reason for denial. If the problem is beyond the inspector’s…
Q: Which agency regulates variable contracts in Florida? QA Office of Insurance Regulation Office of…
A: The question is asking about the regulatory body in Florida that oversees variable contracts.…
Q: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ("GLBA") is least likely to be enforced against which of the lowing entities?…
A: The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) is a law in the United States enacted in 1999. The purpose of the…
M.a.k.e. .a. .d.e.t.a.i.l.e.d. .e.x.p.l.a.n.a.t.i.o.n. .w.i.t.h. .a.b.o.u.t. .W.i.t.h.h.o.l.d.i.n.g. .T.a.x.e.s.
N.o.t.e.:. .W.i.t.h.h.o.l.d.i.n.g. .T.a.x.e.s. .P.h.i.l.i.p.p.i.n.e. .B.a.s.e.d.

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps

- Having a good system of internal controls is essential for businesses to minimise risks, and ensure efficient operations and compliance with relevant law and regulations. However, no matter how good the system of controls, it can never eliminate risk entirely. Identify and explain THREE reasons why this is so.Which of the following taxpayers will incur a failure to file penalty? Boston shows negligence or disregard of the rules or regulations causing an underpayment of taxes on his return. Chantel understates her tax by $1520 dollars. Which is greater than 10% of the correct amount of tax. Francesca fails to pay the tax she owes by the due date on her return. Santiago fails to file his return by the due date or extended due date, has a $400 balance due, and presents no reasonable cause for filing late.T.o.p.i.c.:. .D.e.d.u.c.t.i.o.n.s. .f.r.o.m. .G.r.o.s.s. .I.n.c.o.m.e I.n.c.o.m.e. .T.a.x.a.t.i.o.n. .-. .P.h.i.l.i.p.p.i.n.e. .B.a.s.e.d. E.x.p.l.a.i.n. .t.h.e. .a.l.l.o.w.a.b.l.e. .t.a.x. .t.r.e.a.t.m.e.n.t.s. .o.f. .e.x.p.l.o.r.a.t.i.o.n. .a.n.d. .d.e.v.e.l.o.p.m.e.n.t. .e.x.p.e.n.d.i.t.u.r.e.s.. W.h.a.t. .a.r.e. .t.h.e. .t.w.o. .a.l.t.e.r.n.a.t.i.v.e. .t.r.e.a.t.m.e.n.t.s. .o.f. .c.a.p.i.t.a.l. .e.x.p.e.n.d.i.t.u.r.e.s. .i.n.c.u.r.r.e.d. .b.y. .p.r.i.v.a.t.e. .e.d.u.c.a.t.i.o.n.a.l. .i.n.s.t.i.t.u.t.i.o.n.? D.i.s.t.i.n.g.u.i.s.h. .".d.e.f.i.n.e.d. .b.e.n.e.f.i.t. .p.l.a.n.". .f.r.o.m. .".d.e.f.i.n.e.d. .c.on.t.r.i.b.u.t.i.o.n. .p.l.a.n."
- D.e.d.u.c.t.i.o.n.s. .f.r.o.m. .G.r.o.s.s. .I.n.c.o.m.e. N.o.t.e.:. .I.n.c.o.m.e. .t.a.x.a.t.i.o.n. .-. .P.h.i.l.i.p.p.i.n.e.s. .b.a.s.e.d E.x.p.l.a.i.n. .t.h.e. .n.a.t.u.r.e. .o.f. .“.d.e.d.u.c.t.i.o.n.s. .f.r.o.m. .g.r.o.s.s. ..i.n.c.o.m.e.”? D.i.f.f.e.r.e.n.t.i.a.t.e. .".r.e.v.e.n.u.e. .e.x.p.e.n.d.i.t.u.r.e.s.". .f.r.o.m. .".c.a.p.i.t.a.l. .e.x.p.e.n.d.i.t.u.r.e.s...". .G.i.v.e. .e.x.a.m.p.l.e.s. .f.o.r. .e.a.c.h. S.t.a.t.e. .t.h.e. ..co.n.d.i.t.i.o.n.s. .i.n. .o.r.d.e.r. .t.h.a.t. .c.o.s.t.s. .a.f.t.e.r. .a.c.q.u.i.s..i.t.i.o.n. .o.f. ..de.p.r..ec.i.a.b.l.e. .a.s.s.e.t.s. .s.h.a.l.l. .b.e. .c.a.p.i.t.a.l.i.z.e.d. S.t.a.t.e. .t.h.e. .r.u.l.e. .r.e.g.a.r.d.i.n.g. .s.i.t.u.s. .o.f. .d.e.d.u.c.t.i.b.l.e. .e.x.p.e.n.s.e.s.?. .W.h.a.t. .a.r..e .t.h.e. .i.t.e.m.s. .o.f. .e.x.p.e.n.s.e. .t.h.a.t. .a.r.e. .n.o.t. .d.e.d.u.c.t.i.b.l.e. .f.r.o.m. .g.r.o.s.s. .i.n.c.o.m.e.?. G.i.v.e. .t.h.e. .b.a.s.i.c. .f.o.r.m.a.t. .i.n. .t.h.e. .t..ax.. r.e.t.u.r.n. .t.o. .c.o.m.p.u.t.e. .t.h.e. .n.e.t.…D.e.d.u.c.t.i.o.n.s. .f.r.o.m. .G.r.o.s.s. .I.n.c.o.m.e. N.o.t.e.:. .I.n.c.o.m.e. .t.a.x.a.t.i.o.n. .-. .P.h.i.l.i.p.p.i.n.e.s. .b.a.s.e.d S.t.a.t.e. .t.h.e .r.u.l.e.s. .f.o.r. .d.e.p.r.e.c.i.a.t.i.n.g.. p.r.o.p.e.r.t.i.e.s. .u.s.e.d. .i.n. ..p.e.t.r.o.l.e.u.m. .o.p.e.r.a.t.i.o.n.s. .a.n.d. .S.t.a.t.e. .t.h.e. .r.u.l.e.s. .f.o.r. .d..e.p.r.e.c.i.a.t.i.n.g. .p.r.o.p.e.r.t.i.e.s. .u.s.e.d. ..i.n. .m.i.n..in.g. .o.p.e.r.a.t.i.o.n.s. E.x.p.l.a.i.n. .t.h.e. .a.l.l.o.w.a.b.l.e. .t.a.x. .t.r.e.a.t.m.e.n.t.s. .o.f. .e.x.p.l.o.r.a.t.i.o.n. .a.n.d. .d.e.v.e.l.o.p.m.e.n.t. .e.x.p.e.n.d.i.t.u.r.e.s. W.h.a.t. .a.r.e. .t.h.e. .t.w..o .a.l.t.e.r.n.a.t.i.v.e. .t.r.e.a.t.m.e.n.t.s. .o.f. .c.a.p.i.t.a.l. .e.x.p.e.n.d.i.t.u.r.e.s. .i.n.c.u.r.r.e.d. .b.y. .p.r.i.v.a.t.e. .e.d.u.c.a.t.i.o.n..a.l. .i.n.s.t.i.t.u.t.i.o.n.? D.i.s.t.i.n.g.u.i.s.h. .".d.e.f.i.n.e.d. .b.e.n.e.f.i.t. .p.l.a.n.". .f.r.o.m. .".d.e.f.i.n.e.d. .c.o..nt.r.i.b.u.t.i.o.n. .p.l.a.n."