Is Data analysis methods: description of the data analysis methods is clear and appropriate? Thematic analysis was utilized in which themes from the data of the interviews, questionnaire, and phone call were identified by grouping similar answers into larger categories. Major themes emerged in the process of grouping. These themes were then organized into minor themes. Open coding, or initial coding was utilized for the data where fragments of data such as keywords, incidents, etc. were studied closely for analytic import. "Initial coding continues the interaction that you shared with your participants while collecting data but brings you into an interactive analytic space (Silipigni Connaway, L., &, Radford, M. L., 2021). The software that seemed best for the study that was used was MicroCase, a statistical analysis and data management system, as it developed with social science researchers in mind to utilize, and the area of workplace ageism as derived from social interaction falls under this. The data collection instruments were validated in their measure of the needed responses being obtained from participants. The data collection instruments were higher in validity than reliability as the data collection was not repeated numerous times, though that was also satisfactory. Measures of validity were vetted by the authors research partner, professor, and also pilot tested prior to formal use. Member checking was followed during the study as participants were met with and given tasks over the course of a month continuously and communication with participants occurred throughout data collection and analysis as well as after to ask them further questions and solicit their input and questions on their part. Peer debriefing occurred on a formal basis about developing findings with knowledgeable people, ie. the authors chosen research partner and professor. Triangulation occurred by comparing multiple sources of data which were other literature on the subject to the data collected by the study as well as the data from the third meeting about their answers over the phone. Neither multiple methods or multiple researchers were utilized for triangulation.
Is Data analysis methods: description of the data analysis methods is clear and appropriate?
Thematic analysis was utilized in which themes from the data of the interviews, questionnaire, and phone call were identified by grouping similar answers into larger categories. Major themes emerged in the process of grouping. These themes were then organized into minor themes. Open coding, or initial coding was utilized for the data where fragments of data such as keywords, incidents, etc. were studied closely for analytic import. "Initial coding continues the interaction that you shared with your participants while collecting data but brings you into an interactive analytic space (Silipigni Connaway, L., &, Radford, M. L., 2021). The software that seemed best for the study that was used was MicroCase, a statistical analysis and data management system, as it developed with social science researchers in mind to utilize, and the area of workplace ageism as derived from social interaction falls under this. The data collection instruments were validated in their measure of the needed responses being obtained from participants. The data collection instruments were higher in validity than reliability as the data collection was not repeated numerous times, though that was also satisfactory. Measures of validity were vetted by the authors research partner, professor, and also pilot tested prior to formal use. Member checking was followed during the study as participants were met with and given tasks over the course of a month continuously and communication with participants occurred throughout data collection and analysis as well as after to ask them further questions and solicit their input and questions on their part. Peer debriefing occurred on a formal basis about developing findings with knowledgeable people, ie. the authors chosen research partner and professor. Triangulation occurred by comparing multiple sources of data which were other literature on the subject to the data collected by the study as well as the data from the third meeting about their answers over the phone. Neither multiple methods or multiple researchers were utilized for triangulation.

The description of the data analysis methods is generally clear and provides an overview of the approach used. However, there are a few points to consider for clarity and completeness and providing a bit more detail would increase the clarity and transparency of the process.
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