Insert the following integers in the order presented to an empty BST. Then draw the BST after these insertions in the box below, and then add it in a string format to You don’t need to show each step. Your Java answer should “mimic” your drawing. [95, 12, 62, 50, 53, 20, 100, 180, 128]
Q: in java Declare and initialize an array with 8 integer elements. Use the random method of the Math…
A: The JAVA code is given below with output screenshot
Q: The value is of the column is a list of prices. For example, "$14.00". It's supposed to read it…
A: First we need to store the value of column[7] into a string named str. The first value of str i.e.…
Q: Computer Science This is a codingbat problem. Please answer in Java and do not change the starter…
A: Here's the solution to the tic-tac-toe problem in Java:
Q: use java when user Click on a vowel should list all the words starting with that vowel in sorted…
A: Description: A text file is used to store some random words. The program asks the user to input a…
Q: Exercise 1: Visit the US News & World Report Best Electric Cars of 2021 (Links to an external…
A: Actually, given information: Visit the US News & World Report Best Electric Cars of 2021 (Links…
Q: JAVA Create a UML using the UML Template attached. (This is part I need most) In this lab, you…
A: Solution- The java program is given to product a result with its colour. import…
Q: Ask the user for a starting point and ending point. Sort the user list using the method on the…
A: Answer is given below-
Q: The code using only the LinkedList doesn't produce the right output now, it gives this again. Refer…
A: The functionality without using a HashMap by directly using a LinkedList<Stock> to store the…
Q: Revorse the vewels def reverse_vowels(text): Given a text string, create and return a new string…
A: Actually, python is a easiest programming language. It is a dynamically typed programming language.
Q: JAVA Write a method that computes how often each letter A-Z or a-z occurs in a string. Don't…
A: logic:- Read string from user and store in variable . store the length of string using length()…
Q: URLify: Write a method to replace all spaces in a string with '%20'. You may assume that the string…
A: Introduction : In string manipulation problems, a common approach is to edit the string from the end…
Q: In this assignment, you will implement a simple class called CustomString. This class represents a…
A: The class and its methods are defined one after another as below: 1. getString: public String…
Q: Create a game similar to Hangman named GuessAWord in which a player guesses letters to try to…
A: Short Summary: Implemented a windows forms application named “GuessAWord” using C# You can modify…
Q: Write a Java application CountryList. In the main method, do the following:
A: Given :
Q: Pattern and Value are two strings that you must use. The pattern string, which denotes a pattern…
A: The problem is to determine if a given value matches a pattern consisting of 'a' and 'b' letters.…
Q: Q5: Write a program to reverse the elements of an integer array. Note, your program should not just…
A: Array is a linear data structure used to store homogenous types of data. Reversing an array means…
Q: Write a section of code that creates the pairings for two sets of numbers a = {0 – 5} and b = {9 -…
A: Steps to do- First a contains 0,1,2,3,4,5 b contains 9,10,11,12,13,14,15 find product of both and…
Q: Add a new method to ArrayTools with filter. Make this method accept a String array. Change all the…
A: Array and String in Java - Array is a collection/group of similar type elements. For example, An…
Q: Write a for loop to print all elements in courseGrades, following each element with a space…
A: I have done the code using C language. You can verify the output below.
Q: # For example, if you want to add a colon (:) after every character in the string "Python" you can…
A: Given: # For example, if you want to add a colon (:) after every character in the string "Python"…
Q: Generate 5000 random numbers in the range of [-16 to +16] both values are inclusive. Find and print…
A: Using nextInt() we can generate number from 0-32 and then decrease 16 from it
Q: Write a program that animates the linear search algorithm. Create a list that consists of 20…
A: Program Plan: • Create a window, set its title. • Create a canvas and add it to window. • Create and…
Insert the following integers in the order presented to an empty BST. Then draw the BST after these insertions in the box below, and then add it in a string format to You don’t need to show each step. Your Java answer should “mimic” your drawing.
[95, 12, 62, 50, 53, 20, 100, 180, 128]

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps with 2 images

- Write a for loop to print all elements in courseGrades, following each element with a space (including the last). Print forwards, then backwards. End each loop with a newline. Ex: If courseGrades = {7, 9, 11, 10}, print:7 9 11 10 10 11 9 7 Hint: Use two for loops. Second loop starts with i = NUM_VALS - 1. Note: These activities may test code with different test values. This activity will perform two tests, both with a 4-element array (int courseGrades[4]). Also note: If the submitted code tries to access an invalid array element, such as courseGrades[9] for a 4-element array, the test may generate strange results. Or the test may crash and report "Program end never reached", in which case the system doesn't print the test case that caused the reported message. #include <iostream>using namespace std; int main() { const int NUM_VALS = 4; int courseGrades[NUM_VALS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; ++i) { cin >> courseGrades[i]; } /* Your solution goes…Python question please include all steps and screenshot of code. Also please provide a docstring, and comments throughout the code, and test the given examples below. Thanks. Suppose that you are given a list of strings representing a deck of 52 cards. Write afunction called bridgeHands() which takes the list as its only parameter. It shuffles the listand divides it into 4 hands (tuples) of 13 cards each. It returns a dictionary in which thekeys are the strings 'North', 'South', 'East', and 'West', with each key corresponding to adifferent one of the hands.Please write a java code using the photo below. The second photo is the output of my program that I am writing
- 4. Now examine the ArrayList methods in the above table, a) Which method retrieves elements from the ArrayList? b) Which method replaces the value of an element that already exists in the ArrayList? c) Which two methods initializes the value of an element? d) How do the two methods in (c) differ? Which method(s) would be appropriate in the above Java program (after we convert it to work with ArrayLists)?Please dont copy and paste previous solutions. I checked them they are wrong.Consider the set A = {1, 2, 11, {121}, 22, 1212, (111, 212, 112}} Enter the value of Al. (Note: Enter a number).
- Use Java pl DataFileWords.txt: lovegentlensslovepeacelovekindnesslovepeaceunderstandingkindnessjoypeaceunderstandingfriendshipgentlenssgoodnesslovepeacegoodnesslovegentlensscontrolunderstandingunderstandinggentlensslovepeacepatiencecontrolkindnessgentlensslovepeacejoygoodnesspeacefriendshipgoodnesskindnesslovepeacegoodnesscontrolpatiencejoygentlensspatiencegentlensspatiencekindnessgoodnessjoygentlenssgentlenssRevorse the vewels def reverse_vowels(text): Given a text string, create and return a new string constructed by finding all its vowels (for simplicity, in this problem vowels are the letters found in the string 'aeiouAEIOU') and reversing their order, while keeping all other characters exactly as they were in their original positions. However, to make the result look prettier, the capitalization of each moved vowel must be the same as that of the vowel that was originally in the target position. For example, reversing the vowels of 'Ilkka' should produce 'Alkki' instead of 'alkkI'. Applying this operation to random English sentences seems to occasionally give them a curious pseudo-Mediterranean vibe.Along with many possible other ways to perform this square dance, one straightforward way to reverse the vowels starts with collecting all vowels of text into a separate list, and initializing the result to an empty string. After that, iterate through all positions of the original text.…Sorting an array of batting averages would be useful only if you sort another array in the same sequence in Java. Explain.
- This is the code: String name = Doe, John"; int index =name.indexOf(" , "); String firstName= name.substring(index + 2, name.length()); System.out.println(firstName);Create an ArrayList of strings to store the names of celebrities or athletes. Add five names to the list. Process the list with a for loop and the get() method to display the names, one name per line. Pass the list to a void method. Inside the method, Insert another name at index 2 and remove the name at index 4. Use a foreach loop to display the arraylist again, all names on one line separated by asterisks. After the method call in main, create an iterator for the arraylist and use it to display the list one more time.!Java on Eclpise