In the distant future, a new planet has been discovered around a nearby Sun-like star. The following information is known about this planet: i) It has a density of 4.1 compared to water; ii) its orbital semi-major axis is 1.7 AU; iii) it has a very thin CO2 atmosphere; iv) imaging of the surface shows an extensive amount of cratering as well as no liquid water on the surface. There is evidence of volcanic activity in the distant past. Determine the following based on the above information: a) What type of planet is this? (Terrestrial or Jovian) b) Briefly explain its likely evolutionary history until this point.
In the distant future, a new planet has been discovered around a nearby Sun-like star. The following information is known about this planet: i) It has a density of 4.1 compared to water; ii) its orbital semi-major axis is 1.7 AU; iii) it has a very thin CO2 atmosphere; iv) imaging of the surface shows an extensive amount of cratering as well as no liquid water on the surface. There is evidence of volcanic activity in the distant past. Determine the following based on the above information: a) What type of planet is this? (Terrestrial or Jovian) b) Briefly explain its likely evolutionary history until this point.
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Expert Solution
Step 1 Introduction
Planetary science is a multidisciplinary field that includes the study of the formation, characterization, viability of life forms, etc. of the planets. It includes various fields like Chemistry, Astrophysics, Biology, Mathematics. Computer Science and many others.
The planet is defined as a celestial body revolving around a star with no self-luminance and massive enough to form a spherical shape due to its own gravity. It should have also have cleared the planetesimal spae, which mean very small rocks.
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