Create Database according to the Data given: About the Company - Office Machines Inc. Office Machine Inc. makes office furniture and school materials. The company employs about fifteen full- and part-time workers in the Green building in the town of Niceville. The company’s director John Brush wants to manage the absences and overtime of his employees. He asks you to create a database management system. Of course, you accept with joy! Here are the pertinent elements to create the database. The company has four departments identified by numbers. An Employee works for only one department. On their hired date, employees are assigned unique employee numbers that they must memorize. Everything is based on that number. Mr. Brush negotiates each salary individually. In the database management system, he wants to save all the relevant information pertaining to employees such as employee full name, gender, address, social insurance number, job description and category, hourly wage, seniority, and if the employee works full-time (35 hours a week) or part-time. The employees of Office Machine Inc. are not unionized since Mr. Brush offers exceptional working condition. The fiscal year start January 1st. At the beginning of the year, all the full-time employees receive six paid sick days and part-time employees receive a certain number of the discretion of Mr. Brush. All employees have the right to paid absentee days for special occasions (marriages, births, deaths, etc.) When employees return after taking time off, they must fill out a form giving their employee number, their name, the start day of their absence, its length in days, the date of their return to work, the absentee code, as well as a personal note. The employees also have vacation days. The numbers of days vary according to the seniority of the employee as of January 1st. Vacation days are usually between 5 and 35 days. Employees must fill out an absentee form indicating they have taken or will take a vacation. On December 31st, the balance of sick days becomes vacation days. Mr. Brush occasionally asks his employees to work overtime in exchange for hours off. It may be paid in exact time, time and half or double time. This way Mr. Brush never pays a penny in overtime. It allows employees to arrive late or live early without having to fill out absentee form. The overtime and the time repaid must recorded on an overtime form. Here, employees write their employee number, their name, the date of the overtime, the number of actual hours worked, the ratio repaid (1, 1.5, 2, …), the new balance of their overtime and a personal note. Mr. Brush thinks this is all information you will need on his business, and what he wants to manage is absenteeism and overtime. Create a Database design of the following steps: • Step 1. Determine the purpose of your database This helps prepare you for the remaining steps. When designing a database, you have to make decisions regarding how best to take some system in the real world and model it in a database. • Step 2: Determine the Entities (tables) you need Find and organize the information required. Gather all of the types of information you might want to record in the database, such as product name and order number. • Divide the information into entities Divide your information items into major entities or subjects, such as Products or Orders. Each subject then becomes a table. • Step 3: Determine the attributes (fields) in each entity Turn information items into attributes (columns). Decide what information you want to store in each entity. Each attribute becomes a field and is displayed as a column in the table. For example, an Employees table might include fields such as Last Name and Hire Date. • Specify primary keys Choose each entity’s primary key. The primary key is a column that is used to uniquely identify each row. An example might be Product ID or Order ID.

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