Hundred, (.) Hundred 'n one (, ) / (_) (0.2) Don't (.) use anything. =Okay, .hh Let thuh body's natural (.) temperature help fight: thee infection.= (Uh huh ho-??) Okay, .hhh If: (.) thuh temperature goes up above uh hundred an' two an' she's really startin' tuh feel miserable: then go ahead. .h [h [Mm hm: Thee advil usually works: (.) better. (0.5) Usually. Mm h[m:, [Okay:, .hh But if she's not that bad thuh tylenol's gonna be just fine. Okay:. ( )/(.) Okay?, 114 DOC: 115 116 DOC: 117 MOM: Mm hm,= 118 DOC: 119 DOC: 120 121 MOM: 122 DOC: 123 DOC: 124 125 126 DOC: 127 MOM: 128 DOC: 129 130 DOC: 131 MOM: 132 DOC: 133 DOC: 134 135 MOM: 136 DOC: 137 DOC: 138 139 MOM: 140 (0.2) 141 MOM: Okay. 142 DOC: 143 144 MOM: [ (Well:, 145 DOC: 146 DOC: 147 148 (0.2) 149 DOC: Okay:, 150 MOM: 151 DOC: 152 153 154 155 MOM: 156 DOC: 157 MOM: =one, 158 DOC: 159 MOM: Yeah.= .hh Thee advil's uh little tougher on thuh stomach. (0.2) Yeah:, Okay, so- %23(ieh ehb- ) I mean (it)/(I) kinda- I'm kind a giving you both sides [of it. Okay:, [Okay. .hh But uh low grade temperature is actually uh good thing. [Ok[ay, [.h[It's helpin' her body fight it an' we don't wanta- we don't wanta supr- suppress thuh defense mechanism there. (.) Okay. An' that's (uh) oral temperature uh hundred an'= [(An' they-) =Okay. Okay, .hh Now. if uh:m if she's still:- I mean she's gonna be congested probably fer uh week tuh ten days. Mm hm[, [There's just- no way. 160 DOC: 161 DOC: 162 163 MOM: 164 DOC: 165 DOC: 166 167 168 MOM: 169 DOC: 170 MOM: 171 DOC: Mk[ay? .hh If she's still: ba:d at about I'd say like two weeks intuh this:?
Treatment Recommendations
The transcript below is the entire diagnosis and treatment phase of a primary care encounter
involving a mom and her sick daughter who has had symptoms of sore throat and fever.
Address these two questions regarding the doctor’s treatment recommendations.
Question 1: Affirmative treatment recommendations:
Focus on the doctor’s affirmative recommendations, which are mainly for over-the-counter
medications (not prescriptions), in lines 71-72, 78-79, 82-86, and 123-134 (in boldface).
• 1a: Using the recommendation formats sketched by Heritage in his last lecture
(pronouncement/proposal/suggestion/offer/assertion), which format or formats is the
doctor using? Explain.
• 1b: Given your answer to 1a, how would you characterize the doctor’s overall style of
recommendation? Are they relatively authoritative or relatively collaborative in their
approach, and to what extent?
Question 2: Ruling out antibiotics:
Before getting to the affirmative recommendations, the doctor rules out the possibility of an
antibiotics prescription (in lines 9-70). What are the main arguments the doctor puts forward
that, directly or indirectly, supports this decision to not prescribe antibiotics?
• Focus only on lines 9-70 for this question. Identify the main arguments and line
numbers where they are put forward, and briefly comment on how each argument is
being built

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Solved in 2 steps