How do we identify if a hypothetical argument is valid or not?
How do we identify if a hypothetical argument is valid or not?

Hypothetical argument includes conditional statements like if-then statement along with possible conclusions.
Such a type of hypothetical arguments can be analyzed using Truth tables method.
To determine validity using truth tables, examine every row of the truth table and search the row with ALL the statements( premises) are TRUE and corresponding conclusion is FALSE , if such a row does not exits in truth table then the argument is Valid and if there exits one or more such a rows then the statement is Invalid.
Let take a one example
consider the following hypothetical argument
Statement: "If there is holiday then I will go to watch movie"
Conclusion: I will go to watch movie
We assign p as" there is holiday" and q as "I will go to watch movie"
Step by step
Solved in 2 steps