How Deadly is Academic Pressure? So, you might be wondering how deadly academic pressure is and what is so scary about it. Academic Pressure has significantly changed society around the world, especially in Asia. Academic Pressure is when a student takes classes so rigorously that it pushes them to their limits. It makes all their time go into just learning and getting the highest marks just to reach the academic goal. Not only this another factor is involved it is the pressure of parents usually Asian parents are in most cases 10 times as hard than parents who are not Asian. The reason I chose this topic is because for 14 years, basically my whole life I have been pushed under academic pressure though only few understand I was pushed by parents to meet these goals So I will talk about what I have been through and what I faced. Academic Pressure is known to mostly Asians. Therefore, Asians are students of example the score the highest in most cases they can push past their limits take the hardest courses have parents who do not except anything other than perfection. I say Asians because this is the race that show the most growth studies show Asians are more capable in Academic Achievements. Asian Parents Have an extremely strict Household because of these Asian kids are forced to do this Academic course that are so time consuming it make students mentally break down when they do not meet the goals they desire. So how is Academic Pressure Deadly? When students cannot meet these requirements repeatedly even after reaching their limits, they think about what I can say to my parents or think what my parents are going to do to me. This Causes depression that does not go away easy I to have felt this firsthand. Parents start to make fun of you they talk about how much of a Failure you are and the disgrace you bring on the family they start to talk about elder or younger siblings and how they are simply better. They bring up cousins and how they succeed. They do not listen to what you think they say then how come he did it why cannot you. This is what causes Suicide according to Zander from the 90 percent of suicides that happen overall around the world happen because of depression people who think they are not good enough to live. In most countries in Asia the main reason for committing suicide is because of academic pressure. So, is there a solution to academic pressure? If parents act calmly and talk to their children about what they feel they should do this can be avoided. Another way to avoid this is by letting you kid do what they want to do and to think about what they can do before doing things they cannot accomplish but these methods only apply to everyone who are not Asian. Asians will always be put under academic pressure. It is just something that Can NEVER be avoided Asians parents follow tradition to make their children be the absolute best. The parental engagement in children's education is much higher in the Asian culture, which means that getting good grades, a degree, and a well-paid job is one of the top priorities of parents. Therefore, Asians are always outranking all other people they are build different from the beginning. In Conclusion Academic pressure is very much real it causes students to commit suicide or just go mentally insane. It will never have a solution if your Asian because of these strict traditions. Not to mention the negative health implications, including depression, poor sleep, substance abuse, negative mental health, and anxiety.
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How Deadly is Academic Pressure? So, you might be wondering how deadly academic pressure is and what is so scary about it. Academic Pressure has significantly changed society around the world, especially in Asia. Academic Pressure is when a student takes classes so rigorously that it pushes them to their limits. It makes all their time go into just learning and getting the highest marks just to reach the academic goal. Not only this another factor is involved it is the pressure of parents usually Asian parents are in most cases 10 times as hard than parents who are not Asian. The reason I chose this topic is because for 14 years, basically my whole life I have been pushed under academic pressure though only few understand I was pushed by parents to meet these goals So I will talk about what I have been through and what I faced. Academic Pressure is known to mostly Asians. Therefore, Asians are students of example the score the highest in most cases they can push past their limits take the hardest courses have parents who do not except anything other than perfection. I say Asians because this is the race that show the most growth studies show Asians are more capable in Academic Achievements. Asian Parents Have an extremely strict Household because of these Asian kids are forced to do this Academic course that are so time consuming it make students mentally break down when they do not meet the goals they desire. So how is Academic Pressure Deadly? When students cannot meet these requirements repeatedly even after reaching their limits, they think about what I can say to my parents or think what my parents are going to do to me. This Causes depression that does not go away easy I to have felt this firsthand. Parents start to make fun of you they talk about how much of a Failure you are and the disgrace you bring on the family they start to talk about elder or younger siblings and how they are simply better. They bring up cousins and how they succeed. They do not listen to what you think they say then how come he did it why cannot you. This is what causes Suicide according to Zander from the 90 percent of suicides that happen overall around the world happen because of depression people who think they are not good enough to live. In most countries in Asia the main reason for committing suicide is because of academic pressure. So, is there a solution to academic pressure? If parents act calmly and talk to their children about what they feel they should do this can be avoided. Another way to avoid this is by letting you kid do what they want to do and to think about what they can do before doing things they cannot accomplish but these methods only apply to everyone who are not Asian. Asians will always be put under academic pressure. It is just something that Can NEVER be avoided Asians parents follow tradition to make their children be the absolute best. The parental engagement in children's education is much higher in the Asian culture, which means that getting good grades, a degree, and a well-paid job is one of the top priorities of parents. Therefore, Asians are always outranking all other people they are build different from the beginning. In Conclusion Academic pressure is very much real it causes students to commit suicide or just go mentally insane. It will never have a solution if your Asian because of these strict traditions. Not to mention the negative health implications, including depression, poor sleep, substance abuse, negative mental health, and anxiety.

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