This is the starter code I used, and I need to implement these changes. How can I do so? This is the mplabx v.5.35
;Blink LED with Loop Timer Delay ASM
; PIC16F1829 Configuration Bit Settings ; Assembly source line config statements #include "" ; CONFIG1 ; __config 0xC9E4 __CONFIG _CONFIG1, _FOSC_INTOSC & _WDTE_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF & _MCLRE_ON & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _BOREN_OFF & _CLKOUTEN_OFF & _IESO_OFF & _FCMEN_OFF ; CONFIG2 ; __config 0xFEFF __CONFIG _CONFIG2, _WRT_OFF & _PLLEN_OFF & _STVREN_ON & _BORV_LO & _LVP_ON list p =16F1829, R=DEC CBLOCK 0x30 VarA VarB Loop DLAY LOOPcount ENDC ORG 0 goto Start ORG 4 RETFIE call Delay Start BANKSEL OSCCON movlw 0x6A movwf OSCCON BANKSEL TRISA clrf TRISA BANKSEL LATA clrf LATA goto Loop BANKSEL LATA BCF LATA,5 call Delay goto Loop Delay call Delay BANKSEL VarA movlw 0xFF movwf VarA Outside decfsz VarA goto Goon return Goon decfsz VarB goto Inside goto Outside Inside decfsz VarB goto Inside goto Outside END
Transcribed Image Text: 1. BANSEL TRISB
2. bsf TRISB, 7
STEP 1: Push Button Declaration
Set the pin RB7 to be an input, don't be confused with the LED on RA5 which is a totally different port
and is configured in TRISA as an output. Since the push button is connected to RB7 on your PIC. To
configure RB7 to an input do the following.
bcf ANSELC, 2
IN M&in 6700
STEP 2: Turn off Analog Input
Whenever you want to use a pin as a digital input you must make sure it's analog select bit is cleared in
the related ANSELx register. We need to add the following code or the button will not work correctly:
Note: You only have to do this when in input mode. Also, it is true that a few of the pins do not have
analog functions (RB7 is one) and thus no associated ANSEL bit so in those few cases, can skip this step.
2. MOVLW 0X87;1000 0111
STEP 3: Timer 0 Options Reg
1. Delay2
STEP 4: Timer O
Here is the code for the timer O delay. It is similar to the variable delay we made before in lab 1. The
main difference is that we are using a dedicated timer here instead of variables. Place this at the
bottom of your code before END.
8. Tloop
BCF INTCON, 2 ;make sure flag is cleared at start
MOVLW 0x01
BTFSC INTCON, 2 ;wait till timer overflows
GOTO Tloop
Transcribed Image Text: Challenge Help: Button Test
Then you must insert code in your main blink loop to skip the loop when the button is pressed. You
could do this several different ways, but the one way would be to use the "btfss" instruction which
should skip the next instruction if the button is not pressed (it will be set when not pressed). Thus,
when not pressed it will skip the branch instruction which you add right after the btfss instruction. By
skipping the branch, the loop will work in the normal mode, but when the button is pressed, that results
in taking the branch back to the top of the loop, thus skipping part of the loop. If you put this at the top
of the loop before the bcf instruction, the LED will appear to be always off when you press the button
and if you put it in the middle of the loop, after the bcf but before the bsf instruction, the LED will
always appear on when you hold the button in. If you put it both places it will depend when you push
the button whether the LED is on or off continuously while you hold the button down. As suggested
above, you should follow the "btfss" instruction with a "bra" to your Loop Label. You could also use the
"btfsc" instruction, but then you will have to push the button to get the LED to blink. Here is an example
of the code:
2. btfss PORTB, 7
3. bra Loop Name; Where Loop_Name is the name of your loop(it was called 'Loop' in lab 1)
1. Update Loop from Lab 1
a. Call Delay2 instead of Delay
i. Hint: replace Delay with Delay 2 in Loop
b. Add in Push Button check into loop
i. Hint: use BTFSS on RB7
ii. Hint: use BRA to Loop (Look at Challenge Help above)
c. Make sure the toggle code for RA5 (or which ever color you want) is still there after
the branch. Note: you can skip extra banksel if you use PORTX instead of LATX, why?
Status Affected:
Relative Branch
[label] BRA label
[label] BRA $+k
-256 ≤ label - PC + 1 ≤ 255
-256 ≤ k ≤ 255
(PC) + 1+k→ PC
Add the signed 9-bit literal 'k' to the
PC. Since the PC will have incre-
mented to fetch the next instruction,
the new address will be PC + 1 + k.
This instruction is a two-cycle instruc-
tion. This branch has a limited range.
Status Affected:
Bit Test f, Skip if Set
[label] BTFSS f,b
0sfs 127
skip if (f<b>) = 1
If bit 'b' in register 'f is '0', the next
instruction is executed.
If bit 'b' is '1', then the next
instruction is discarded and a NOP is
executed instead, making this a
2-cycle instruction.
If successful, the Hello World LED will blink until you press the button, once you let go it will start to
blink again. When pressed the button skips the toggle loop written in Lab 1. Note: it turns out that
this will work also even if you forget to change the jumper, because pushing the MasterClr button
holds the cpu in reset/halt mode, so no blinking would occur. But, it's a false solution, see if you