Hello, I'm working on this hangman simulation in C++. The code runs but it doesn't count wrong guesses after one letter is guessed correctly. Also, the body of the hangman comes out wrong. Could you help? #include #include // for string class functions #include #include using namespace std; int main() { // define variable to get the response from user "Yes" or "No" string response; // Define index variable int w = 0; // define number of words that need to be guessed by the user assume 4 const int WORDS = 4; // loop do { // we will define the hangman body const char body[] = "o/|\\|\\"; // here we define the words string words[WORDS] = {"MACAW", "SADDLE", "TOASTER", "XENOICIDE"}; // fetch size or length string xword(words[w].length(),'*'); // define iterator to fetch the words string::iterator ix = xword.begin(); string::iterator i = xword.begin(); // define number of words to prompt for the user string letters = ""; // Now we define the variables which will be used in the simulation int n =0, xcount = xword.length(), k=0; bool found = false, solved = false, hung = false; int offset = 0, bodyCount = 0; // Game play iteration do { char temp; // prompt for the character cout<<"Guess a letter (Here case doesn't matter): "<>temp; temp = toupper(temp); // define validation of input letters if(isalpha(temp)) { cout<<"Please enter letters: "<=7) { cout<= WORDS ) break;*/ // prompt for respeonse cout<<"Want to play again? yes or no: "; cin>>response; if(response.compare("yes")==0) w++; }while(!response.compare("yes")); cout<<"thank you!!"<
Hello, I'm working on this hangman simulation in C++. The code runs but it doesn't count wrong guesses after one letter is guessed correctly. Also, the body of the hangman comes out wrong. Could you help?
#include<cstring> // for string class functions
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main()
// define variable to get the response from user "Yes" or "No"
string response;
// Define index variable
int w = 0;
// define number of words that need to be guessed by the user assume 4
const int WORDS = 4;
// loop
// we will define the hangman body
const char body[] = "o/|\\|\\";
// here we define the words
string words[WORDS] = {"MACAW", "SADDLE", "TOASTER", "XENOICIDE"};
// fetch size or length
string xword(words[w].length(),'*');
// define iterator to fetch the words
string::iterator ix = xword.begin();
string::iterator i = xword.begin();
// define number of words to prompt for the user
string letters = "";
// Now we define the variables which will be used in the simulation
int n =0, xcount = xword.length(), k=0;
bool found = false, solved = false, hung = false;
int offset = 0, bodyCount = 0;
// Game play iteration
char temp;
// prompt for the character
cout<<"Guess a letter (Here case doesn't matter): "<<xword<<". '*' denotes number of possible characters"<<endl;
temp = toupper(temp);
// define validation of input letters
cout<<"Please enter letters: "<<endl;
// char case
letters = letters + temp ;
// now intialize the index variable over the character array's word
i = words[w].begin();
// iterate until word's length ends
while(i != words[w].end())
// check the words
if(*i == letters.at(k))
// it is used for masking purpose. letter is found then masked it.
*(ix + offset) = *i;
found = true ;
// If a letter is found then move to the next character and in final let us know word is solved now
if(--xcount == 0)
solved = true;
offset = 0;
// if letter is not found then increase the body count
bool newline = false;
// now iterate over the incorrect counter to draw shape or hangman
for(int q = 1; q<=bodyCount; ++q)
// check for attempts
if(q==1 || q ==5 || q == 7)
newline = true;
else if(q==4)
newline = true;
newline = false;
// check for attempts if exceeded
cout<<endl<<endl<<"GAME OVER"<<endl<<endl;
hung = true;
cout<<endl<<"Guesses: "<< letters <<endl;
cout<<"Word: "<<words[w]<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"Congratulations!! you guessed"<<endl;
/*if ( ++w >= WORDS )
// prompt for respeonse
cout<<"Want to play again? yes or no: ";
cout<<"thank you!!"<<endl;
return 0;

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps